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Thoughts on completing grad degree requirements?

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I am at the tail-end of a thesis-based PhD program and have received an offer of admission at Mac for this coming August. Back in the fall when I first applied, I anticipated having my thesis written up and defended by this summer. Research being what it is, I am somewhat behind schedule. At this point, the best I can realistically hope for is to have my thesis submitted before MD classes start in Hamilton on August 27th.


It's my understanding that Mac does not require me to finish my current degree to start in the MD program. Is that in fact the case? I think it's important to finish the degree to stand by my principles and show professionalism. It's also been a big part of my life, so I don't want to forgo the satisfaction of accomplishing that goal. Does anyone here have experience with a similar situation or know someone who went through the same "race to finish"? How difficult is it to fit in an out-of-town thesis defence into the September/October part of the calendar?


Thanks for any and all feedback!

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I am at the tail-end of a thesis-based PhD program and have received an offer of admission at Mac for this coming August. Back in the fall when I first applied, I anticipated having my thesis written up and defended by this summer. Research being what it is, I am somewhat behind schedule. At this point, the best I can realistically hope for is to have my thesis submitted before MD classes start in Hamilton on August 27th.


It's my understanding that Mac does not require me to finish my current degree to start in the MD program. Is that in fact the case? I think it's important to finish the degree to stand by my principles and show professionalism. It's also been a big part of my life, so I don't want to forgo the satisfaction of accomplishing that goal. Does anyone here have experience with a similar situation or know someone who went through the same "race to finish"? How difficult is it to fit in an out-of-town thesis defence into the September/October part of the calendar?


Thanks for any and all feedback!


I'm in a similar boat. I am one class short from completing my degree and honestly, I just want to get it done. Is it possible?

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It may seem like one of the more extreme options, but would a deferral request be in the works? Being on the cusp of your PhD seems like an extenuating circumstance if I've ever heard of one. The obvious drawback is having to delay your Mac MD by a year.


I am at the tail-end of a thesis-based PhD program and have received an offer of admission at Mac for this coming August. Back in the fall when I first applied, I anticipated having my thesis written up and defended by this summer. Research being what it is, I am somewhat behind schedule. At this point, the best I can realistically hope for is to have my thesis submitted before MD classes start in Hamilton on August 27th.


It's my understanding that Mac does not require me to finish my current degree to start in the MD program. Is that in fact the case? I think it's important to finish the degree to stand by my principles and show professionalism. It's also been a big part of my life, so I don't want to forgo the satisfaction of accomplishing that goal. Does anyone here have experience with a similar situation or know someone who went through the same "race to finish"? How difficult is it to fit in an out-of-town thesis defence into the September/October part of the calendar?


Thanks for any and all feedback!

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I'm in a similar boat. I am one class short from completing my degree and honestly, I just want to get it done. Is it possible?


I personally know someone who took 5 or 6 courses this year during her first year of med to finish her undergrad degree...so I guess the answer is yes, you can take that course at any point and get your degree.


Also to the OP, once you have written your thesis the hardest part is done. At that point all you will have to do is your defense which shouldn't be too difficult since you are now the expert in your field of research. The presentation wont take you much time to put together because all your figures will be done and your ideas will be generated -


If I were you, I'd get the thesis written ASAP(ie before classes start) and do the defense at a later date - maybe late september or even early January if you want more time. This would allow you to pursue med starting this year and still get your phd done.


Hopefully it all works out - good luck!

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Hey Photochem,


I am in the EXACT same boat...finishing up my PhD, thought I would be done by August and community research being what it is...realistically can only guarantee to be finished data collection with a defense date before christmas. However, my supervisor and advisory team are extremely supportive and are willing to work around my new schedule to help me finished. I think you can definitely do it, especially if you are upfront about it and everyone is supportive. I had a colleague who entered Calgary and still had to finish her Masters, it took her a little extra time but eventually she finished. I don't know about your school, but at mine defenses can be arranged any day, any time as long as the examiners are available so if they are fleixble you should have no problem setting up a defense date that works. As for prepping for it, it is my understanding that we are given a lot of independent time to do horizontal electives and to study and, so you can definitely find the time to prep. It just might mean a few more late nights at the beginning.


It is nice to hear someone else with a similar path! I look forward to meeting you in August.

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I'm more or less in the same situation as well, trying to finish up my MSc thesis in the same time frame. Luckily my data collection is complete, now I just need to finish writing it up and get the defence in! Ideally I would like to accomplish this prior to moving on the 1st of August, but we will see how it goes! Good luck to the other grad students frantically finishing up!

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I'm more or less in the same situation as well, trying to finish up my MSc thesis in the same time frame. Luckily my data collection is complete, now I just need to finish writing it up and get the defence in! Ideally I would like to accomplish this prior to moving on the 1st of August, but we will see how it goes! Good luck to the other grad students frantically finishing up!


Look at how awesome we are. We got into Medical School but we're still displaying commitment in completing our original degrees; thus displaying that the original's were not just objects on an application.


Yay go us!:)



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I haven't been on in a few days, what with exploring my options for September and working on that thesis of course...but it's really good to see there are others out there buckling down to wrap up previous commitments- good on you all! :)


@ whatwillbewillbe: Kudos to you for getting set to tackle a busy, busy fall semester! My supervisor and lab colleagues have also been supportive and accommodating. I can see myself having the thesis submitted come August. Having spoken to the Admissions people at Mac it seems that given the compressed nature of the MD program it will be difficult to make time to travel for a defence outside of the Xmas or summer breaks. Still, that's not an insurmountable obstacle.


@ ParkourParkour: I also asked the Admissions office about deferrals, and will be sending in a letter outlining my reasons for requesting one along with my acceptance of their offer. Although I'll be pushing full steam ahead to submit come August, as I fully intend to take up Mac's offer, I'm also worried about burnout too. Nine years of non-stop uni (undergrad + grad school) is taking it's toll. As badly as I want to go into medicine I think i'll be better able to put my best foot forward with a bit of a breather after finishing my PhD.

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Honey, I'm pregnant.


Wow, first off, congratulations :)


That does seem like it'll be a tough one to work around in med school, no pun intended, and you're finishing a degree in the mean time too! It certainly makes me feel like I'm turning my little molehill of pre-med school problems into a mountain hehe :P

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