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omsas sketch

Guest bananaboat72

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Guest bananaboat72

hey there,


for the autobiographical sketch, how is it formatted?


are there specific headings that you place your activity under? or do you just list the activity and enter what it corresponds to (employment, awards etc.)


also, AMCAS requires a maximum of 15 entries, and each can have a maximum description of 1,325 characters.

how many characters does one have to describe the activity for OMSAS?



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Guest Steve MD09

OMSAS lets you categorize each entry, give a start and end date, and a very short (one line) description of the activity.

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Guest Steve MD09

It's not even a full line, it's maybe a few words. You're really just supposed to name the activity (e.g. "coached children's soccer team" would fit, but not much more). It is just a sketch, after all. You're able to give more detail in your school-specific submissions and your interviews.

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