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Salary and overheads..

Guest wolvie777

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Guest wolvie777

I would really appreciate it if someone could help clarify the following:


1) When does a physician pay overhead expenses? ie. Does a doc pay overhead expenses when on salary at a hospital? When he's salary + fee-for-service? (I know that a straight fee-for-service doc must pay overhead out of pocket)


2) What are typical overheads, if applicable to situations in question 1 mentioned above?


3) Are physician compensation disclosures available for cancer agencies outside of Ontario? I've tried looking and have come up with nothing.


Thanks in advance.

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Guest Ian Wong

1) Whenever he/she has costs relating to his/her practice. If you own an office, you have overhead. When you pay for your malpractice insurance, that's overhead too. When you budget for vacations and medical/dental benefits, that's overhead. When you have staff acting as receptionists, nurses or medical office assistants, or billing clerks, that's all overhead. Some hospitals provide these features as part of the employment contract to attract physicians, others will not.


2) Typical overhead is going to be dictated by the type of practice, specialty, and all sorts of other factors.


3) Doubt it. Go ask one of those physicians directly.



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