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Burn out


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Take a day or two off and do something fun and completely unrelated to academics/mcat/med.

I agree.

In fact, I would say try to take a whole week off and try not to think about the MCAT.

When you start studying again, don't burn yourself out. Study in small increments instead of for 8 hours straight.

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Take breaks between studying. I take 30 minute breaks between 2hr study sessions. I usually wake up at noon and study until 3am. As soon as I'm getting tired with the material, I read a different subject.


E.g. Today I reviewed organic chemistry from my notes and EK book. Then did a verbal test from EK, then started reading TBR Writing. That way I don't feel like burning myself out with one taunting subject.


But I agree with the other guys. Sometimes you need to take a day off and enjoy.

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