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Submitting AMCAS in 2 weeks, suggestions for schools?

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Hey guys,


Wow, can't believe I found this site so late! Could've saved so much time...:( Right now I'm filling out my 2013 AMCAS application, most part's done but I still haven't got any idea of which schools I should aim for. So any suggestions would be REALLY helpful!


Here's my situation:

I'm done UofT this year, cGPA 3.62 (screwed up 1st year mainly, 4th year annual is 3.90) going to UCL in UK for 1 year MSc next year, worked in labs for 3 yrs, done thesis project, some decent extracurriculars (club prez, team leader for volunteer project...), shadowed a surgeon, but no clinical experience... :( :( :(

oh and first MCAT at 33, did again 2 weeks ago, new score not released yet (hopefully its higher...)


Do I have a chance at the top schools? Now I finally realized that looking for schools is the hardest part... stressed out! Thanks everyone!

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Don't be so obsessed about the upper tiers.


MD is MD no matter how you slice it. Plus a 33 is a good score that will get you into A us medical school with your GPA. If you rewrite, you better make sure that its higher. A lower MCAT on a rewrite is really looked down upon. So I would think twice about it.

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What i suggest to do is get the MSAR online and compare your stats to Out of state students/international students.


Check school policy to see how they treat canadians.


From memory, a 3.6 and 33 mcat is only average for canadian matriculants.


best of luck.


PS apply broadly and early, like deathvvv said, upper tiers may be out of reach unless there is something exceptional in your application that we do not see.

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Don't be so obsessed about the upper tiers.


MD is MD no matter how you slice it. Plus a 33 is a good score that will get you into A us medical school with your GPA. If you rewrite, you better make sure that its higher. A lower MCAT on a rewrite is really looked down upon. So I would think twice about it.


it's kinda too late for that... sign. I didn't cancel my score, so I can only hope for the best. If it is lower, then i'm totally screwed...:eek:


also, would my MSc. count for some thing?

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