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UBC Pharmacology Course Selection

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Hi everyone. I will be attending UBC this coming Sept and will be choosing my courses soon. However, I am confused about structuring my schedule. My goal is to get into pharmacology by 2nd year (hopefully before 3rd year), and I do have credits from IB which I can take for Chem, Physics, and Math.


1.) Should I go for designing my own timetable (BSc) or should I just take the Science One program which I was admitted into?

2.) Is it advisable to take the IB credits for courses?

3.) How should I schedule my courses if I choose to structure my own timetable (is it feasible to have all the courses start after 10am, my bus ride to the school is a shocking 1 hr and a half)?

4.) Do I need to consider any special circumstances in the case that I want to pursue pharmacology in 2nd year?

5.) Does anyone have a sample timetable for their courses which meets all the requirements for pharmacology in 2nd year?


Thanks in advance. :)

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You can't get into pharmacology in 2nd year. You finish all of your pre reqs by 2nd year then during the summer after 2nd year you go and see the advisor and he tells you if your grades are good enough for the program. You need upwards of 87-90%+ (first and second year) to have a good shot. You can apply into it in 2nd year, but you're not actually in it. People can and do get kicked out of it after 2nd year if they're marks aren't up to par and depending on competition. They also only accept ~20 students I think, so it's good to have a back-up. I personally wouldn't do SciOne because it can "kill" your GPA (i.e difficult to get 90+).

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My 2 cents:


1.) Should I go for designing my own timetable (BSc) or should I just take the Science One program which I was admitted into?

Science One is brutal. Don't do it.

2.) Is it advisable to take the IB credits for courses?

No, because if you take the IB credits then you will start doing more advanced courses in your first year of university, which in my opinion wouldl be a mistake - the adjustment is hard enough as is.

3.) How should I schedule my courses if I choose to structure my own timetable (is it feasible to have all the courses start after 10am, my bus ride to the school is a shocking 1 hr and a half)?

I think so. I remember having all of my classes at 10 or 11am in first year, first semester except for an 8am physics lab. Eventually, you will have to do 8 am classes. Avoid them as much as you can for now...

4.) Do I need to consider any special circumstances in the case that I want to pursue pharmacology in 2nd year?

Make friends with the UBC academic calendar, it'll tell you all the requirements.

5.) Does anyone have a sample timetable for their courses which meets all the requirements for pharmacology in 2nd year?

Again, look at the UBC academic calendar. You'll see the list of courses and you can make a worklist on the ssc to see what it could look like.

Thanks in advance. :)

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1.) Should I go for designing my own timetable (BSc) or should I just take the Science One program which I was admitted into?

Do your own schedule, Science One is NOT a good program if you want to get a good GPA.


2.) Is it advisable to take the IB credits for courses?

I just used my English ones. If you can skip BIO 140 do it but the other ones are not worth it in my opinion.


3.) How should I schedule my courses if I choose to structure my own timetable (is it feasible to have all the courses start after 10am, my bus ride to the school is a shocking 1 hr and a half)?


Yes you can get all your courses starting after 10am. In second year however you are forced to take an 8am class (Chem 211) which is required for pcth


4.) Do I need to consider any special circumstances in the case that I want to pursue pharmacology in 2nd year?


From my understanding final admittance to the pcth program comes in 2 stages. One is after the first term in second year and the second is at the end of second year. For both you need to contact the adviser for a quick 15 minute meeting in which he will look at your transcripts. At the end of first year there is also this UBC wide specialization selection; for PCTH this is irrelevant but I highly recommend to put PCTH as your first option anyways.


5.) Does anyone have a sample timetable for their courses which meets all the requirements for pharmacology in 2nd year?

For first year you have to take exact same thing as other science students. Second year there are some extra courses you need to take like Chem 211 and Stat 200 which are required by some other majors too like physiology. Check the program schedule online for a full list of courses you need to take.


There are also some credit requirements.


Only thing regarding course schedule is to choose your electives WISELY as they have a major influence on your GPA.



Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions regarding the PCTH program.

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Do your own schedule, Science One is NOT a good program if you want to get a good GPA.



I just used my English ones. If you can skip BIO 140 do it but the other ones are not worth it in my opinion.




Yes you can get all your courses starting after 10am. In second year however you are forced to take an 8am class (Chem 211) which is required for pcth




From my understanding final admittance to the pcth program comes in 2 stages. One is after the first term in second year and the second is at the end of second year. For both you need to contact the adviser for a quick 15 minute meeting in which he will look at your transcripts. At the end of first year there is also this UBC wide specialization selection; for PCTH this is irrelevant but I highly recommend to put PCTH as your first option anyways.



For first year you have to take exact same thing as other science students. Second year there are some extra courses you need to take like Chem 211 and Stat 200 which are required by some other majors too like physiology. Check the program schedule online for a full list of courses you need to take.


There are also some credit requirements.


Only thing regarding course schedule is to choose your electives WISELY as they have a major influence on your GPA.



Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions regarding the PCTH program.


Unless you want your back-up to be micb, then go with that as your first choice, since at the end 2nd year you get a point for already being in micb if you decide to stay with it (only ~80 people get to take the 3rd year lab, and that's ranked). And just to confirm, I didn't have pcth as my major in 2nd year because I didn't have a pre-req for it, but got accepted into it in 2nd year. It really won't affect you at all if you decide that path.

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