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Where to begin???

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My current stats:


GPA: 3.73

VR: 10

ECs: some tutoring

Currently entering 4th year of my UG studies


I have only recently came to realization that I want to become a physician. However, as you guys can see from my stats, I don't have the best chances but I want to try everything possible before calling it quits.


Should I even bother applying to McMaster in September for the Class of 2016 despite my weak ECs?


What can be done to strengthen my application and increase my chances of acceptance? I'm still in the early stages of this premed journey and I have no idea where to begin... Any inputs, criticisms would be greatly appreciated!

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I would definitely give it a shot. McMaster doesn't formally evaluate your ECs at any point in the application process so you won't be hurt by them in any way other than having fewer experiences to draw on during an interview etc. Your marks are certainly good enough to apply (a number of people have been accepted with lower) and a 10 in VR is strong as well. If you can do well on CASPer than things could work out well. Hope this helps!

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Depending on your program of study, you can talk to a few profs about finding a research project. I would also recommend that you apply to hospitals for a volunteer placement. I am sorry if it sounds like cookie cutter premed advice, but until you discover your true passion, its not a bad idea to get something going. This will also give you things to talk about in casper and hopefully MMIs.

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