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Confused about the requirement

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On the schulich web, it says:


Students who already have one undergraduate degree and are working towards, or have recently completed, a second degree are not eligible to apply before the final year of their program, which must be an Honors Degree or equivalent program. Three out of 5 full or equivalent courses taken in each of the upper years of the second degree program must be senior-level courses. GPA consideration is based on the two best years of the second degree program only. Applicants who receive a conditional offer of admission must complete all second degree program requirements prior to registration in the M.D. program. (Approved by the Medicine Admissions Committee, May 2008)


I have two questions:


1. Are 3rd year courses counted as senior-level courses?


2. Since "Students who already have one undergraduate degree and are working towards, or have recently completed, a second degree are not eligible to apply before the final year of their program", how come it still mentions that "Applicants who receive a conditional offer of admission must complete all second degree program requirements prior to registration in the M.D. program"?


Any ideas?

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You have to finish your second degree requirements before enrolling in med school. So you can apply the year before med school classes start but you have to make sure you will be finished your second degree before enrolling in med school the following year (conditional acceptance).


3rd year courses are senior level.

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  • 1 month later...

Had a question regarding the second degree. I am in the same boat, and would like to know if there are any requirements to look out for. I saw that Queens, Ottawa U, McMaster and UofToronto do not have any specific requirements regarding the second degree, except for Western. If I enter 3rd year in a General Arts program, would I be able to take any first year courses?

I am not often on this forum, but I see that there are many people in the same situation. Any suggestions? Thanks guys ;-)

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