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Peters-Boyd Academy Questions

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Hey everyone!


I'm an incoming IT6 and was placed at PB, I hope any upper year PB students reading this won't mind answering a few questions. I understand that 3rd year is probably when one spends the most time at their academy hospitals, and that 4th year is more based on electives.


When they say that Sunnybrook is the primary hospital, is this where most of your 3rd year clerkship takes place? Or would you be able to choose more of Women's College if you live downtown?


I currently live near SB and NYGH, so I'm debating whether to commute downtown for pre-clerkship or just find a place dt for the first 2 years, is there anyone else that was in that same situation?


And if you have any advice about PB, UT, life, I would love to hear it!


Btw, is the orientation schedule up? Just wondering when the stethoscope ceremony is so I can bring my grandma down =)


Thanks everyone and can't wait to meet you all soon!

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I was placed at PB for my clerkship, and besides a couple weeks of Ophthalmology and ENT, the only rotation I did at Sunnybrook was surgery. The rest were at NYGH or downtown.


We met as a group (the 9 of us assigned to PB on the same schedule) and decided together who would be where for which rotation where there was choice in the matter. I don't know if this is still how it works.


PB was an AWESOME academy to do my rotations at, both NYGH and Sunnybrook. The teachers and admin staff really go out of their way to get you involved, and you get to participate actively in some pretty high-level stuff.


Congrats on getting into U of T!

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I was placed at PB for my clerkship, and besides a couple weeks of Ophthalmology and ENT, the only rotation I did at Sunnybrook was surgery. The rest were at NYGH or downtown.


We met as a group (the 9 of us assigned to PB on the same schedule) and decided together who would be where for which rotation where there was choice in the matter. I don't know if this is still how it works.


PB was an AWESOME academy to do my rotations at, both NYGH and Sunnybrook. The teachers and admin staff really go out of their way to get you involved, and you get to participate actively in some pretty high-level stuff.


Congrats on getting into U of T!


Woot! Looking forward to this even more now!

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