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~ 3.5 GPA, PhD, 33S.. Chances?

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Hi guys,


I have pretty standard ECs.. I'm currently doing a PhD in Medical Genetics that I will complete by next year.. I have my name on 4 publications, 2 international talks that I gave. I have received a few scholarships, both in undergrad and grad. Been on a few departmental committees. I'm co-inventor on a patent filed related to my research. I've taught Med Gen concepts to MD students ( 5 classes of a couple hours each). I've TAed an undergrad course.. During my undergrad I volunteered at both Safewalk and at Campus Security...


My science and non-science GPAs are both ~ 3.5...

3rd year: 3.5

4th year: 3.7

Grad: 4.0


Scored on the MCAT: 33S: BS13, PS10, VR10


Is it worth the effort to apply in the US or do I really have no chance?



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Thanks.. I guess my strategy for the US is to actually apply at top tier schools, in the hope that I can get in based on the fact that I'm a bit different than most of their applicants... I know my GPA and even MCAT will greatly hinder this.. but in part, I don't want to move to the US just to move to the US... but rather to attend an amazing school.. so Mid to Top tier is likely what I'm aiming for.


DO is definitely not something I'm interested in.

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As I said before... I know I am not the best candidate with my GPA and MCAT scores, but I'm hoping with my research background (& PhD) it will count in my favour:


Albert Einstein

Boston U




Johns Hopkins

Mount Sinai

Northwestern Feinberg



UCSF (I know they interviewed 0 international applicants last year, but I would love to live in SF)

and Yale.


In Canada: UBC, UAlberta, UCalgary UToronto and McMaster (unlikely)


I really do only want to move to the US if it is for a top school. One can dream I guess!

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Why not include some lower tier schools too? It will cost a bit more for applications but you always have the option of deciding whether to go when the time comes, in the event you don't get into top tier schools or Canadian schools. Sadly the truth is, these top tier schools get people with 4.0s, 40+ MCAT, and publications all the time and PhD applicants are really not that rare. You have also missed out on some excellent top tier schools that have interviewed and accepted more Canadians/Internationals than UCSF/Emory/UPenn such as Columbia, Cornell, UChicago and WashU.


As I said before... I know I am not the best candidate with my GPA and MCAT scores, but I'm hoping with my research background (& PhD) it will count in my favour:


Albert Einstein

Boston U




Johns Hopkins

Mount Sinai

Northwestern Feinberg



UCSF (I know they interviewed 0 international applicants last year, but I would love to live in SF)

and Yale.


In Canada: UBC, UAlberta, UCalgary UToronto and McMaster (unlikely)


I really do only want to move to the US if it is for a top school. One can dream I guess!

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I entirely agree with you on your point about those US schools having easy access to people with 4.0s, 40 MCATs and PhDs.


I'll check out the additional schools you listed. On MSAR: U Washington doesn't accept international students; U Chicago interviewed 5 and accepted 0 intl; Cornell interviewed 17 and accepted 0 intl. I added Columbia to my list.


Overall, my feeling is that if the US doesn't come through for me (unlikely given the choices), then I still have quite a reasonable chance at the Canadian ones.. thus why I haven't decided (at least at this point) to add lower tier US ones.

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Well Slash.. I appreciate the feedback.. but I really don't have 9 to 5 to work on secondaries. I'm incredibly busy with my research and I have tons of upcoming deadlines.. so having more secondaries to complete is going to take more time than I'm likely able to give.

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