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Frustrating prof situation


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I did a makeup exam for a professor in the beginning of April because the exam I wrote for him in December was misplaced.


Despite me asking this prof at least 5 to 6 times that I NEED my mark for that course in order to apply to meds/grad school this fall, he still hasn't marked my makeup exam! I've e-mailed him 3 times, I have called his office once, I have asked him in person to mark my exam and his response is always "haven't gotten to it yet. Sorry".


Now I don't want to bother him too much because after all, my course mark is dependent on this prof, and therefore my entire GPA is dependent on this prof.


But right now I don't know where my GPA stands all because of this one course and it's SOOO annoying.


I don't want to keep bothering my prof over the summer but I need it by this fall or sooner so I know where I am eligible to apply for schools and what not. I feel like if I go to my guidance counselor, they'll talk to him about it and he'll feel offended and somehow take that out on the exam I wrote (it was a 4 mini-essay exam so it's pretty subjective and can be marked however he wants).



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You wasted his time. He's going to waste your time.

But he was the one that misplaced the original exam. So technically, he's wasting the OP's time.


Did you make it clear to him that you're applying to professional schools? If not, then maybe do that. Otherwise I wouldn't pester him so much especially since it's an essay exam. If he gets a sour vibe from you, he'll end up marking it extra hard.

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But he was the one that misplaced the original exam. So technically, he's wasting the OP's time.


Did you make it clear to him that you're applying to professional schools? If not, then maybe do that. Otherwise I wouldn't pester him so much especially since it's an essay exam. If he gets a sour vibe from you, he'll end up marking it extra hard.


Yeah no kidding. I had to write two finals for a gosh darn 0.5 credit second year course. Total waste of MY time.


And yes I've told him several times I'm in my last year and need my mark for schools. But you're right about the pestering. That's what I'm afraid of.

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He is a disorganized idiot. :eek: Nothing you can do about it. I think you need to bite the bullet and pray. What would normally be reasonable options all lead to danger. I'm not telling you what you don't already know. Sorry, no miracle thoughts.


Oh, what about going to him and asking if he would be willing to be a strong advocate for your application to med school as a referee. Not that you necessarily will use him, its another way of reminding him without even referring to the exam. :)

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Sorry, but you can't do anything about it, he's abusing his powers, he can make you fail. That's what happens when we depend on other people, they abuse us.

Isn't there a deadline for sending transcripts?


^^^ That could work


Also tell him if he doesn't mark it, you will tell your parents :D


Parents are powerless, the prof can easily spit on them (and I know you're joking).

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Sorry, but you can't do anything about it, he's abusing his powers, he can make you fail. That's what happens when we depend on other people, they abuse us.

Isn't there a deadline for sending transcripts?




Parents are powerless, the prof can easily spit on them (and I know you're joking).


Yeah there's a deadline but I don't think he takes it too seriously. I have all my official grades but this one. I thought maybe someone would have some cool insight on what to do but you're right, in this case I'm pretty much helpless and he's absuing his power. Blergh. Oh well. Maybe when school starts up again I'll sit in one of his lectures and when he sees my face it'll cue some sort of sad background music and he'll see through my eyes into my lifeless soul and feel guilt.

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Yeah there's a deadline but I don't think he takes it too seriously. I have all my official grades but this one. I thought maybe someone would have some cool insight on what to do but you're right, in this case I'm pretty much helpless and he's absuing his power. Blergh. Oh well. Maybe when school starts up again I'll sit in one of his lectures and when he sees my face it'll cue some sort of sad background music and he'll see through my eyes into my lifeless soul and feel guilt.


And you'll look right back into his eyes, with a glance that screams, "I know what you did last summer."




Oh the suspense.

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But he was the one that misplaced the original exam. So technically, he's wasting the OP's time.


Did you make it clear to him that you're applying to professional schools? If not, then maybe do that. Otherwise I wouldn't pester him so much especially since it's an essay exam. If he gets a sour vibe from you, he'll end up marking it extra hard.


The prof doesn't see it this way, and he surely doesn't care if it was really misplaced.

Maybe a lot of people with a PhD are "forced" to teach in order to not spend their life in a lab.

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I did a makeup exam for a professor in the beginning of April because the exam I wrote for him in December was misplaced.


Despite me asking this prof at least 5 to 6 times that I NEED my mark for that course in order to apply to meds/grad school this fall, he still hasn't marked my makeup exam! I've e-mailed him 3 times, I have called his office once, I have asked him in person to mark my exam and his response is always "haven't gotten to it yet. Sorry".


Now I don't want to bother him too much because after all, my course mark is dependent on this prof, and therefore my entire GPA is dependent on this prof.


But right now I don't know where my GPA stands all because of this one course and it's SOOO annoying.


I don't want to keep bothering my prof over the summer but I need it by this fall or sooner so I know where I am eligible to apply for schools and what not. I feel like if I go to my guidance counselor, they'll talk to him about it and he'll feel offended and somehow take that out on the exam I wrote (it was a 4 mini-essay exam so it's pretty subjective and can be marked however he wants).



you sure something else isn't going on? seems quite strange for a professor not to mark an exam after 5-6 requests... go the department head or dean asap and explain the situation. Don't profs have obligations to have grades within a certain deadline etc?... (make sure you are very respectful).


When did you write the exam?

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you sure something else isn't going on? seems quite strange for a professor not to mark an exam after 5-6 requests... go the department head or dean asap and explain the situation. Don't profs have obligations to have grades within a certain deadline etc?... (make sure you are very respectful).


When did you write the exam?


I wrote it April 9th. He is in his late 50s...nearing the end of his teaching career. I really don't think he cares about "grade deadlines" and what not. The weird thing is he is really nice in person, and when I was going to write the makeup he was really apologetic of what happened and told me he'd have it marked right away. Surely if something was wrong in his personal life and he didn't get time to mark it he'd tell me I'd hope. It's weird.

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I wrote it April 9th. He is in his late 50s...nearing the end of his teaching career. I really don't think he cares about "grade deadlines" and what not. The weird thing is he is really nice in person, and when I was going to write the makeup he was really apologetic of what happened and told me he'd have it marked right away. Surely if something was wrong in his personal life and he didn't get time to mark it he'd tell me I'd hope. It's weird.

Profs have an obligation to mark your exam within a reasonable amount of time. Its required by them by the university. I remember in 1st year one of my profs telling me that and you can file a complaint or something. Talk to some high official in your department and they will likely send an email off to him or something.


Be careful though cause this could backfire. Like if its a chemistry exam your good to go since there's only one right answer but if its something like an essay exam that is subjective he might mark very harshly or something.

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go above him and talk to dean or department head...on such issues, they have an obligation to respect your privacy and may have ways to influence the prof to hand over your paper (marked) to them...if all else fails, tell them that the next time they hear your story, it will be in globe and mail.

that should help for the most part

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I would write to the Dean a strongly worded e-mail explaining the situation. Describe to him your concerns while stressing that the mark is needed for future applications/ acceptance conditions to various graduate programs (state a deadline which is several days prior to the actual deadline to give yourself more time if this drags out). Remind him that the prof lost your first exam and has had several weeks to mark the final, and that while you understand he is very busy, it is unacceptable to be waiting so long for your mark. State that you are concerned as the prof is not following due process and isn't fufilling his obligations. Finally, I would state that you look forward to his reply so that he is obligated to respond. If he does not respond, go in person.

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You are absolutely correct on a theoretical level. The practical problem is that unproven retaliation is in the air and the prof can easily justify any lower grade he selects givien the subjectivity involved. Your solution might just bite the OP in the foot. We cannot take the integrity of the prof as a given - unfortunately.:(


Better safe than sorry.

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Hey everyone!


Thanks for all your responses/help. I actually decided to e-mail the prof one. last. time. last night. And guess what!? I got a response this morning! He apologized, told me he had completely forgotten about it and doesn't check his email much, and was sorry. He also mentioned he'd mark it today and hopefully the registrar has my mark up by the end of the week.


I made my e-mail brief, but told him I "wouldn't be able to graduate without this mark" (I was a little dramatic).


thanks again!! Looks like I won't have to go to the Globe and Mail after all. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow I spoke too soon.


When I E-mailed the academic counselors from that department earlier this week they said he hadn't submitted a mark. They tried to get in touch with him on Monday but he hasn't responded.


I think he just lost my exam....again.


I don't even know what the moral of this story is?? :confused:

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The prof doesn't see it this way, and he surely doesn't care if it was really misplaced.

Maybe a lot of people with a PhD are "forced" to teach in order to not spend their life in a lab.


He isn't a science prof so he likely doesn't spend his life in a lab. And yeah it must suck for him to be "forced" to teach for 30 years now. Taking alllll his 30 years of anger out on me :)

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