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1st Undergrad Failure

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Hello everyone,


I am new here, but long time lurker, first-time poster. I am 25 years old and want to pursue medicine in Quebec. I am prepared to do anything it takes to get there, in this province, step by step. So, here is me:



- Come from a very traditional background where not being in school was not an option, regardless of psychological issues.

- In my family, psychological issues don’t exist. You keep going.

- Conclusion: When things got rough, I kept going with school, so my record is VERY rollercoaster.


DEC – Pure & Applied Science

- Got grades between 60%-80%

- R Score: 25 – 26ish (I forgot)

- Reason: Family had financial problems; had to work, take care of younger siblings. Strict parents would not allow me to pause school, so grades suffered. I forgot about medical school. I even started hating the pressure from parents to get into medical school and all the other pressure they put on me.


UNIVERSITY – Bachelor of Fine Arts – 90 credits completed (Concordia)

Due to personal issues (having to continue to take care of younger siblings, friend & family deaths/suicides & ensuing depression), my BAC was also a bumpy ride of semesters off, summer courses, or very loaded semesters.

- Failed 2 classes; retook them and got Bs, but my heart was not into it at all.

- Got mostly As and A- in the majority of my classes, but I have one or two Cs and a D.

- No A+.

- Took 5 years to finish

- upward trend (mostly As and Bs in my last year where I completed 36 credits in one year)


GPA: Probably a 3.0/4.3. I don't have the final grades yet. Maybe it’s more.

IFG: I assume somewhere between a 1 or 2, since it is a Bachelor of Fine Arts.





I have re-evaluated study habits, got psychological help, and removed myself from the toxic family situation. So, now, the logistics:


- I was considering:

1) Re-taking all science pre-reqs to up my GPA & get good grades

2) Take the MCAT for McGill

3) Apply to do a 2nd undergrad that I would enjoy and with a higher IFG. I was thinking: Kinesiology, Physiology, Exercise Science, Nutrition. I realize that there is no way I can get a 2nd chance without doing a 2nd undegrad at this point.


Any other suggestions? Is there hope for me in Québec?

In this thread, we discuss those who had issues in Cegep and tell them they still have a chance in Undergrad. But is there hope after messing up your first undergrad?


Thank you, and I look forward to your answers.

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Hello everyone,


I am new here, but long time lurker, first-time poster. I am 25 years old and want to pursue medicine in Quebec. I am prepared to do anything it takes to get there, in this province, step by step. So, here is me:



- Come from a very traditional background where not being in school was not an option, regardless of psychological issues.

- In my family, psychological issues don’t exist. You keep going.

- Conclusion: When things got rough, I kept going with school, so my record is VERY rollercoaster.


DEC – Pure & Applied Science

- Got grades between 60%-80%

- R Score: 25 – 26ish (I forgot)

- Reason: Family had financial problems; had to work, take care of younger siblings. Strict parents would not allow me to pause school, so grades suffered. I forgot about medical school. I even started hating the pressure from parents to get into medical school and all the other pressure they put on me.


UNIVERSITY – Bachelor of Fine Arts – 90 credits completed (Concordia)

Due to personal issues (having to continue to take care of younger siblings, friend & family deaths/suicides & ensuing depression), my BAC was also a bumpy ride of semesters off, summer courses, or very loaded semesters.

- Failed 2 classes; retook them and got Bs, but my heart was not into it at all.

- Got mostly As and A- in the majority of my classes, but I have one or two Cs and a D.

- No A+.

- Took 5 years to finish

- upward trend (mostly As and Bs in my last year where I completed 36 credits in one year)


GPA: Probably a 3.0/4.3. I don't have the final grades yet. Maybe it’s more.

IFG: I assume somewhere between a 1 or 2, since it is a Bachelor of Fine Arts.





I have re-evaluated study habits, got psychological help, and removed myself from the toxic family situation. So, now, the logistics:


- I was considering:

1) Re-taking all science pre-reqs to up my GPA & get good grades

2) Take the MCAT for McGill

3) Apply to do a 2nd undergrad that I would enjoy and with a higher IFG. I was thinking: Kinesiology, Physiology, Exercise Science, Nutrition. I realize that there is no way I can get a 2nd chance without doing a 2nd undegrad at this point.


Any other suggestions? Is there hope for me in Québec?

In this thread, we discuss those who had issues in Cegep and tell them they still have a chance in Undergrad. But is there hope after messing up your first undergrad?


Thank you, and I look forward to your answers.


Unfortunately, at French schools, there are no second chances. All your grades will permanently follow you and no excuse is accepted.

As for McGill, they will look at your second degree if you score better, you must have completed 45 credits by the application deadline (November 1).

As for programs, I can't tell, ES is getting good feedback on this forum.

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Unfortunately, at French schools, there are no second chances. All your grades will permanently follow you and no excuse is accepted.

As for McGill, they will look at your second degree if you score better, you must have completed 45 credits by the application deadline (November 1).

As for programs, I can't tell, ES is getting good feedback on this forum.


Thank you Robin Hood.


I understand that grades follow me permanently at French schools. However, how do French schools look at 2nd Undergrads if you scored better in them? I am aware that they will consider 1st undergrad grades + 2nd undergrad grades = CRU, but do they look at the details or just the CRU? What if your CRU improves?

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I don't think I am in the position to be providing advice in regards to medical school, especially since I know nothing about the Quebec schools. If there is one thing I can say to you though, it would be to get your life straight before you attempt medical school.


I don't know what cultural background you come from, but my parents can be very strict to. Regardless of that, however, I don't take sh*t from anyone. You are under a lot of stress right now and until you can man up and straighten up your life, I wouldn't even think about medical school. Parents disagree? Tell them to go f*ck themselves. I know that's easier said then done, but you need to learn to do things your way. Imagine you get into medical school and all of this happens again? Do you think you could handle the stress of your family and the stress of medical school?


Forget the MCAT, forget school, and go fix your life. Medical school & the MCAT aren't going away.

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Here is what McGill has to say about second undergraduate degrees. I guess my chances are over for all Québec schools.

Primary Bachelor's degree

A 120 credit ("four-year") or equivalent Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in any discipline. Applicants who have successfully obtained a diploma of college studies (Diplôme d'études collégiales; "DEC") in a pre-university program can apply with a 90 credit program from a Quebec university.


The program must have been undertaken on a full-time basis and should be completed in the time prescribed by the program. A full course load (e.g. 15 credits) is expected in regular sessions. Summer or other interim sessions are acceptable, however they should not take away from regular sessions. The Admissions Committee expects a minimum of 60 consecutive graded credits at the time of application; this enables a more complete basis for the assessment of your academic performance.


Second or Alternate Bachelor's degree

If you hold, or are currently pursuing, an additional Bachelor's degree--after having completed one that meets the requirements described above--and this alternate degree demonstrates a stronger academic performance, it will be the degree used as the basis of admission, provided that a minimum 45 consecutive graded credits are completed and earned by the application deadline (November 1).


Applicants are required to have 60 consecutive graded credits in a second degree, however, 45 consecutive graded credits have to be completed by the application deadline date. The remaining 15 credits must be completed by July 31 of the entering year of medicine. (60 new credits – second program).



My first undergrad is definitely not one that meets the requirements described above.

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I don't think I am in the position to be providing advice in regards to medical school, especially since I know nothing about the Quebec schools. If there is one thing I can say to you though, it would be to get your life straight before you attempt medical school.


I don't know what cultural background you come from, but my parents can be very strict to. Regardless of that, however, I don't take sh*t from anyone. You are under a lot of stress right now and until you can man up and straighten up your life, I wouldn't even think about medical school. Parents disagree? Tell them to go f*ck themselves. I know that's easier said then done, but you need to learn to do things your way. Imagine you get into medical school and all of this happens again? Do you think you could handle the stress of your family and the stress of medical school?


Forget the MCAT, forget school, and go fix your life. Medical school & the MCAT aren't going away.

Thank you Cowbell. However, I am at the stage where I am not longer taking **** from anyone, and I think I have fixed my life quite well. Thank you for your concern. Right now, I am at the stage where I want to attack the logistics of getting to medical school. ;-)

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Thank you Robin Hood.


I understand that grades follow me permanently at French schools. However, how do French schools look at 2nd Undergrads if you scored better in them? I am aware that they will consider 1st undergrad grades + 2nd undergrad grades = CRU, but do they look at the details or just the CRU? What if your CRU improves?


No, they will just look on the CRU.

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Here is what McGill has to say about second undergraduate degrees. I guess my chances are over for all Québec schools.




My first undergrad is definitely not one that meets the requirements described above.


I don't think they will even look at the first degree.

Call Michel Dansereau to get clarifications.

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Can you write the MCAT? If yes, then looking at Out-of-Quebec schools will be a good thing to do.

Yes I can. I was looking at UOttawa, but I would like to give Québec a chance first (after I discuss my situation with adcoms). I figure I have some time to raise my GPA/CRU.

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En passant, a McGill, pour les residents du Quebec, ils sont softs avec la GPA. Le cut-off est 3.5, mais c'est pas un hard cut-off. Mais il faut aussi avoir beaucoup d'implications.

Aww. Merci Robin Hood!


I am actually very, very involved with Volunteering. Giving back is kind of my therapy,so I have a lot of community involvement. I am hoping that will work in my favor. Especially as a French-speaking IP.


I just need to boost my GPA a lot. And make zero mistakes in my 2nd undergrad -- I am seriously considering applying to McGill's Saguenay Campus Occupational Therapy program for Fall 2013. We'll see!

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I admire your inspiration and perseverance in doing medicine even after all you went through.


My main question to you is, why are you so adament on pursuing medicine in Quebec?? There's a big world out there and options available.

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I admire your inspiration and perseverance in doing medicine even after all you went through.


My main question to you is, why are you so adament on pursuing medicine in Quebec?? There's a big world out there and options available.



If you can do the MCAT and live in English, there are plenty of more schools in Canada, and you can come back to Quebec after.

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