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UBC Upper-level courses recommendation

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Hello, I'm a UBC Science student going into 3rd year this September, and here I am looking to get some solid advice from senior premed students.


By now, after spending a couple of academic years at UBC, I've come to a full realization that there are no 'easy' courses in Faculty of Science. I'm not necessarily looking for an 'easy A GPA booster', and I'm willing to put my effort and time into my study just like everyone on this forum.


However I'm certain that there are courses that are interesting and helpful (especially to premed students), and do not put GPAs at a such great risk.


If you have already taken 3+ years at UBC and have knowledge on upper-level courses (300 and 400 levels) that you'd like to recommend to a novice student like me, please share your insight!


So far, I know that ANAT390,391 , PHYL301 and MICB302 (there're split opinions on this though) are something that I want to look into.


If you know courses that you suggest that I take, please let me know!



Thanks in advance!

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A lot of people like to take CLST301 (medical terminology). You might want to take a look at that.


I took it a few years back and it was a super easy course - however I know from some friends that have taken it in the last few years that they've changed it to make it harder. I still think you can get a solid mark though.


To the OP, Anat 390 and 391 are definitely 90+ courses - you just have to put in a lot of work and be good at memorizing. Same goes for Phyl 301. If you want something completely different Eosc 326 is a pretty interesting course and you can get a good mark. Also Fnh 355 / Pcth 325 are both easy courses but heavy on the memorizing. I would actually highly recommend Pcth 325 (unless you're in pharmacology, in which case you can't take it), it's a really interesting course with great profs.

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thanks Lucky? and kenshlee for your answers!


But yes I've already taken CLST 301 in first term of 2nd year. and it was true that it has gotten quite a bit challenging compared to the past.


PCTH 325 does look very interesting but unfortunately it seems to overlap with MICB 302, and I kind of need to take MICB302. But I'll definitely keep that in mind.


If you happen to have more suggestions, please share. The more the merrier! :D


Thank you.

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Oh sorry, I've heard about CLST301 becoming more difficult recently as well, I just thought OP might be interested in the material. If OP is looking for a booster course, it's probably not as good as it used to be.


Hmm I don't have much personal experience with electives because my program was full of mandatory courses, but CPSC301 (computer sci for life sci students) was interesting, the prof was the nicest guy ever, and the grade distribution was pretty generous.


You probably already know this, but if you're looking for easy courses in particular, looking up the grade distribution of previous years on PAIR can be useful.

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I took it a few years back and it was a super easy course - however I know from some friends that have taken it in the last few years that they've changed it to make it harder. I still think you can get a solid mark though.


To the OP, Anat 390 and 391 are definitely 90+ courses - you just have to put in a lot of work and be good at memorizing. Same goes for Phyl 301. If you want something completely different Eosc 326 is a pretty interesting course and you can get a good mark. Also Fnh 355 / Pcth 325 are both easy courses but heavy on the memorizing. I would actually highly recommend Pcth 325 (unless you're in pharmacology, in which case you can't take it), it's a really interesting course with great profs.


CLST 301 is harder now. Take the distance ed version if you can, it would be excruciating to learn in lecture.


It's not that hard I got a very strong mark. It's huge amounts of memorization. Do the memorization so that you know 100% and you will pulverize the exam. Assignments are tedious.

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MICB 302 (immunology) used to be a killer back in 13 yrs ago =)


Yeah, that's what I hear a lot of people say about the course still. How much more challenging is it compared to MICB 202? I personally really liked MICB 202 but a few people have warned me that MICB 202 is almost like a child's play compared to MICB 302.

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Micb 302 is still definitely a killer. I took it last winter session and it was extremely difficult. There were only 2 people (that I know of) that took it as an elective...the rest of the class was made up of MICB majors - aka the people that have to suffer through it. The midterm was worth 50% and it was horrible. The final was worth 50% and they made it easier because everyone did horribly on the midterm. They scaled a lot. I put more effort in for the final and ended up with an A after getting a B on the midterm. It was gruelling.

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Micb 302 is still definitely a killer. I took it last winter session and it was extremely difficult. There were only 2 people (that I know of) that took it as an elective...the rest of the class was made up of MICB majors - aka the people that have to suffer through it. The midterm was worth 50% and it was horrible. The final was worth 50% and they made it easier because everyone did horribly on the midterm. They scaled a lot. I put more effort in for the final and ended up with an A after getting a B on the midterm. It was gruelling.


Would definitely agree with this. Yes, if you don't have to take it, don't take it.

I think the midterm average was 52%... MICB202 was an awesome course but much, much easier in comparison. MICB302 pretty much builds on the immunology you learned in 202, I'd say. The material is definitely interesting but Kion just made it unbearable, in my opinion.


Definitely possibly to do well on the course but you have to really try.

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