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EK 1001 Bio


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I've read some conflicting posts about EK 1001 Bio being good and others have indicated it is not good. May I ask why it isn't good? Or what would be better? I need some (alot) of bio practice questions, anyone have suggestions? I haven't taken traditional bio 100 classes.


Thanks alot!

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I've read some conflicting posts about EK 1001 Bio being good and others have indicated it is not good. May I ask why it isn't good? Or what would be better? I need some (alot) of bio practice questions, anyone have suggestions? I haven't taken traditional bio 100 classes.


Thanks alot!


I haven't taken the MCAT yet so take this with a huge grain of salt. From what I've heard, EK1001 Bio is good for drilling content but not good at simulating actual MCAT questions.

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From what I understand of all the EK 1001 books is that they are designed to drill the basic concepts. I am using them and feel that they are an excellent resource to help with strengthening my weak areas. While they do try to simulate the MCAT somewhat, be aware that this is not their main purpose! The best way to gauge how you will do on the real MCAT is to do the AAMC practice exams.

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