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Committing Things to Memory


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With my test in about 7 weeks I'm nearing the end of my subject review. Problem is I hardly remember the things I reviewed in Chapters 1-3. How did you guys deal with trying to remember the large amount of info? Just keep reviewing or just practice passsages? I feel I can do well on this but not remembering as much as I possibly can might end up killing my score.

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Wow, you've reviewed all content 7 weeks before your date? Isn't that a little soon? I guess the problem with studying the content way in advance is that things will start to fall out of your head. Don't worry though, I would keep doing practice passages so that you're forced to review those concepts. Good luck!

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Sorry I wasn't more clear I have the last 3 chapters in each subject to go so I should be done in 2 weeks or so, but I've deliberately done just the first 1/3 of passages for now whcih will be nice review for after. And then I'll be doing 2 FL's a week

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i had about 3 weeks to go before my date and after my course ended. i reviewed stuff that i sucked at and stuff that i clearly forgot. i also continued to do passages, and used those to direct me towards weak areas. so i did a bit of both (review and passages). of course, i also would review stuff that i was relatively good at, just to keep it fresh. you always wanna be fresh to death. kidding, sort of. but ya i did review some stuff i was good at too. it can be a confidence booster... but if i found myself thinking "this is stupid and a waste of time", then it was like "on to the next one", since i obviously knew it well.

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