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How Good of an Indicator is EK101 for Verbal?


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I found my EK scores to be relatively accurate. My only note - the more your practice, the better you get. I started off getting 7's and 8's on my first few VR passages, and brought myself up to 11's and 12's by the end of my studying. It's definitely important to keep practicing :)

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Idk why people say EK101 is a good practice...? I thought EK 101 was way too easy for MCAT verbal. I used kaplan verbal and I thought it reflected the real MCAT verbal better... but somehow people say EK 101 is more accurate indicator of real MCAT verbal? I guess it's a learning style thing.


I scored 12 - 14 on both EK101 and Kaplan verbal, and I got 13 on the actual thing.

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