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Eligibility following other M.D. convocation

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I tried using Google, but couldn't find the answer. I'm starting the M.D. program at SGU in Grenada this month, and I wanted to know if this makes me ineligible to apply to McMaster's for 2013 ... Moreover, would it be worth applying with a 3.55 and 33Q (11 VR) (graduated in 2011, was not in school this year)? I'm an OOP having graduated from McGill (B.Sc in Physiology).





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To quote directly from McMaster's FAQ:

Q: Are people with previous medical degrees eligible to apply to the McMaster Program?

Yes. People with a previous medical degree undertaken outside of Canada are eligible for the program as long as their overall GPA, including their marks in medical school, are equivalent to at least an overall 3.00 on the OMSAS 4.00 scale.


You have a shot at McMaster if you can do well on the CASPer; your relatively low GPA will bring you down, but it doesn't have to be a deal breaker because it's only worth something like 35% of the overall application.


This past year, there were about 500 (could have been 550?) people interviewed, which means only 50 OOPs were invited. That's where you'll have the most trouble. There were something like 4500 applicants, although we don't know how many were OOPs.

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I remembering seeing stats for a couple of years back and about 1000 of 4000 applicants were OOP. On the other hand I've seen people with similar stats to the OP get an interview even though they were OOP. I'd say it is worth applying, especially since you have an 11VR score.

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Does admissions at Mac really grade all 5000 applicant Casper results? Or likely they do an internal cutoff of gpa and or VR and only grade those that fall within those ranges? It just seems that it would be very time consuming to grade all Casper results and offer an interview by the end of January.

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Does admissions at Mac really grade all 5000 applicant Casper results? Or likely they do an internal cutoff of gpa and or VR and only grade those that fall within those ranges? It just seems that it would be very time consuming to grade all Casper results and offer an interview by the end of January.


Do you mean a cutoff that differs from the one posted on the website? Otherwise, they have one already (although it's fairly generous)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Does admissions at Mac really grade all 5000 applicant Casper results? Or likely they do an internal cutoff of gpa and or VR and only grade those that fall within those ranges? It just seems that it would be very time consuming to grade all Casper results and offer an interview by the end of January.


That's quite an intelligent observation.


Since they know the standard deviation of the GPA and VR - they can probably calculate who has no chance - even if they got the top score on the CASPer marking.


The problem is that not even marking those would screw up the CASPer scaling as it could introduce a bias that could cause a skew...

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