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August 16th MCAT


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Well I was getting really worried over the weekend and then i figured it's probably just easier to not put so much pressure on this. I know i have done all the preparation i could have and even if it doesnt go well, i will always have another day to write again.


Getting there earlier is probably best, i have to cross the US-Canada border so i'm taking into account any delays. I would rather get there early and relax, look over formulas than to be late.


Light Cardio before is AMAZING! it gets you awake and gets the blood going, definitely doing that.


Good attitude! :D


Ooh - that definitely makes sense to arrive early, especially with crossing the border. I'm now thinking to arrive at 12:10 or so.


Any good ideas for mid-test snacks? I am thinking ridiculously sugary goodness.

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Well i always space out a can of red bull for my practice exams. A few sips before and during breaks. I'm gonna have a decent breakfast, so maybe just a candy i'll throw in during the breaks. I've found it helps me focus on the passage during verbal, and stops my mind from wandering and worrying about "what-if" scenarios

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*shudder* My intense anxiety is setting in. I've gone from being incredibly frighted of PS to feeling sick over the WS, because I really haven't reviewed for it very much (this is my second time round, and I wrote quite a few graded essays etc. last time so I'm not completely unprepared).


What is everyone else doing tonight? Are you done studying or are you trying to get in a couple more hours?

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*shudder* My intense anxiety is setting in. I've gone from being incredibly frighted of PS to feeling sick over the WS, because I really haven't reviewed for it very much (this is my second time round, and I wrote quite a few graded essays etc. last time so I'm not completely unprepared).


What is everyone else doing tonight? Are you done studying or are you trying to get in a couple more hours?


I've decided to go over WS a bit as, like you, this is my second time and I've barely reviewed it whatsoever. I'm starting to feel the anxiety there as well. I don't want to get an awesome numerical score just to have it ruined by an M.

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*shudder* My intense anxiety is setting in. I've gone from being incredibly frighted of PS to feeling sick over the WS, because I really haven't reviewed for it very much (this is my second time round, and I wrote quite a few graded essays etc. last time so I'm not completely unprepared).


What is everyone else doing tonight? Are you done studying or are you trying to get in a couple more hours?


I am planning on not doing too much. I haven't studied at all today. This evening I've just been listening to some nice chill music, eating some chocolate... and such. I may read a book - we shall see. I'm planning on going to sleep fairly early, although knowing myself, that won't actually happen. 10? I think so!


I'm also really nervous about WS. This is my first time writing and I have no idea how I'm doing on it. I wrote one essay for the Raymond guy and I did atrociously. I think I've since improved, but I have absolutely no way of knowing :S.

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I've decided to go over WS a bit as, like you, this is my second time and I've barely reviewed it whatsoever. I'm starting to feel the anxiety there as well. I don't want to get an awesome numerical score just to have it ruined by an M.


My only comfort right now is that I have no intention of applying this cycle, and because next year there will be people without WS scores I hope it will carry a lot less weight (especially because it is basically just a cut off now anyway).


I really struggle with coming up with appropriate examples quickly. What are you doing tonight to prepare?

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My only comfort right now is that I have no intention of applying this cycle, and because next year there will be people without WS scores I hope it will carry a lot less weight (especially because it is basically just a cut off now anyway).


I really struggle with coming up with appropriate examples quickly. What are you doing tonight to prepare?



I'm going to try to go through a few prompts - not write full essays but just make up the rule and the examples that I would use as this is usually all I have trouble with.


I'm also going through some stock examples I have from last year that apply to multiple things.

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Just wanted to say best of luck tomorrow to all of you!


You've likely seen this as Raymond has linked to it many times, but just incase you havent:




It's a great template that I've used on all my practice tests, once you have the structure memorized all thats left is to use proper examples that relate to the prompts.


Try and pick a couple from here:




And practice coming up with examples, some people perfer to use 10 or so broad examples which could pertain to any prompt. Others wing it, it's your choice.


Good luck again, you won't need it though, you've all been training your assess off :D

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how was it people?


Verbal did not go well at all for me. I usually do really well with verbal and always have had time left at the end...not the case this time. Had to guess on the last passage.


It really threw me off for the rest as well as I was really upset verbal went so badly. I can usually count on a 12 there.


This is my second time writing, the first time I got an 11. I'm pretty bummed now that that's almost definitely gone.


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I chose to void mine, don't know what my next step is going to be. :(


Aw - don't worry! We all have bad days and the beauty of the MCAT is that you can always retake it. Did all of the sections seem bad to you, or just some? Maybe you just got very unlucky with the specific topics that were on it. Don't be discouraged - you can always rewrite in September if you felt like this just wasn't your day but that you'd studied enough. If not, there is always next year.

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Verbal did not go well at all for me. I usually do really well with verbal and always have had time left at the end...not the case this time. Had to guess on the last passage.


It really threw me off for the rest as well as I was really upset verbal went so badly. I can usually count on a 12 there.


This is my second time writing, the first time I got an 11. I'm pretty bummed now that that's almost definitely gone.



You don't know that! I think that VR is very tricky to predict how you did, so you may very well have done okay. Don't despair. Btw I also normally have lots of time left at the end, but this not this time. I was about halfway through the section, and halfway through the time, and I was like: ":O!! Normally I'm way ahead by now. *super-speedster mode commence*"


And without actually discussing specific stuff, I hope I'm allowed to make this one teensy comment about the last passage: snorefest. Hehe.

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I actually didn't find it so bad. I screwed up WS because I'm an idiot, and VR I can never, ever tell, but I found the science stuff was honestly not so bad.


When do you write?


I agree with you regarding the science material...it wasn't as bad as I was expecting! That said, I think I got really lucky in PS because I hit my stronger physics topics. I also finished with about a minute, or ninety seconds to spare in VR so that was comforting. I'm so glad that I spent more time reviewing material rather than practicing timed tests this time round. Of course, I may be biting my tongue if my score isn't as great as I want in a month! :P

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You don't know that! I think that VR is very tricky to predict how you did, so you may very well have done okay. Don't despair. Btw I also normally have lots of time left at the end, but this not this time. I was about halfway through the section, and halfway through the time, and I was like: ":O!! Normally I'm way ahead by now. *super-speedster mode commence*"


And without actually discussing specific stuff, I hope I'm allowed to make this one teensy comment about the last passage: snorefest. Hehe.


haha... yeah. it's pretty hard to tell how you did. i hear the same thing goes for interviews, haha. relax guys! you've got a bit of summer left. work hard, play hard (or relax, if you're drained).

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