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How do you calculate Yearly Progress?

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Hey everybody,


I've tried using the search function for this question, but haven't found anything yet. I emailed the admissions department at Memorial to get the answer, but I haven't heard anything yet. I figured that someone here might have an answer to my question.


I am working on Memorial's application through CaRMS, and I am on the Yearly Progress section. I am getting stuck on how to represent the Number of Courses and the Average Grade for the year. What counts as 1 Course to MUN/CaRMS?


This is important to me as I have been to three different universities, one of which required me to take lab courses in conjunction with lecture courses. The lab courses at the university were considered half the weight of the lecture courses. Does this mean that the lab courses count as 0.5 Courses to MUN/CaRMS? Please help, I am so confused. :confused:

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Update: I have gotten my answer from MUN's admissions office.


The lab courses which run for 3-4 months are considered to be 1 Course, just like the lecture courses. This is regardless of the weight of the courses at the home university; any course which runs for 3-4 months is counted as 1 Course.


For courses which run for a full year, you must convert the grade you get into that course into a MUN percentage, then multiply its value by two. This is because all full-year courses are counted as 2 Courses to MUN, regardless of credit weight at the home university.


You then sum up the percentages for the year (Sept x - Sept x+1) and divide by the Number of Courses value to get your Average Grade for the year.


Hope this helps! :D

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So number of courses depend on course duration not credit value? For example, I did an honours project worth 3 credit value, but since it's full year, it would only be 2 courses according to mun?


You are correct, good sir/madam. Whatever grade you got in that course would also be multiplied by 2, as the three credit course counts as 2 Courses to MUN.


Double-check with them to make sure, but that is what I came to understand when I spoke with admissions.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So labs count as another course?? I have labs with a LOT of my courses, they are given no weight at my school, for example CHEM 3110L is the CHEM 3113 lab and is worth 0 credit hours, but runs from sept-dec of 2011. I don't have a grade for the lab portion specifically (well, I'm sure I do, but it is not released to us and just makes up a percentage (20 in this case) of our overall grade in the CHEM 3113 course.

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