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Inputting courses on application - classifying by course code or subject matter?

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I am confused when entering my courses, whether to classify them according to subject matter or course code.


For example, I have a number of neurosciency psychology courses like "neuropsychology" "physiology and behavior" "genetics and behavior."

U of T gives courses descriptions on your transcript like "advanced physiology and behavior," even though the course code on my transcript is PSYXXX.


Should I be just classifying all my courses by course code or by subject? Does it matter? I just don't want the reviewers being like why did she only take "artsy psychology courses" when most of the psych courses I took were neuroscience based.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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I classified all mine by course code. The only trouble I had was with my neuro development course that appears as as PSYC/NEUR 531 on my transcript. I think they just need something that they can corroborate with your transcript (they do get to see your transcript during the file review, so they can see exactly what courses you're taking).

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