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Prospective Canadian Student Applying to UK

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I'll be entering my final year of undergraduate and I am planning to apply to UK Medical Schools. I have emailed many of the universities about their 5 year programs and what their admission requirements are for graduate students, however they don't give me the answer that I am looking for. Does anyone know if they look at my high school marks for admission into the 5 year program or my university transcript as well. Thanks.

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Hey I'm applying in the UK this year too, so I have a little bit of knowledge on this, but I'm still sort of a newb to the whole process.


So basically it depends on the school and the program. I found a lot of the larger universities rarely ever email you back, so unfortunately I don't have too much information on their courses. I know St. Andrews looks at both high school and undergrad, and I'm fairly certain this is the way it is for most of the schools, but each school looks at different subjects and weights them differently. For St. A's they look at your chemistry from university if your chem from high school was bad, same with biology, english and math. However they all have to have been done within the past 5 years.


From my experience the only way to know for sure is to email them, and if you here back, don't lose that person's contact info, just in case you have more questions later!


Hope that helps!

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