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Multiple ABS listings?


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Hi all,


I'm preparing my autobiographical sketch, but have a question about listing activities. I've been in many theatre productions throughout highschool and university, but many are through different production companies, theatres, etc.


Should I list each production individually and potentially take up 10+ spots in my sketch (as each could potentially have a different verifier) or is there a better way to do this? Ultimately I would like to emphasize my commitment level regardless of location, school, etc.


Thanks for your help!

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I think that if I had the same role in each of the different productions I may just enter it as one entry, emphasizing that they were different companies etc. One verifier should do, even someone who wasn't directly involved in the productions but knows that you participated in them.


If I had a different role in each of the productions, I would list those separately. If you could describe different roles/learning opportunities etc. for the different productions, list them differently.

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I think that if I had the same role in each of the different productions I may just enter it as one entry, emphasizing that they were different companies etc. One verifier should do, even someone who wasn't directly involved in the productions but knows that you participated in them.


If I had a different role in each of the productions, I would list those separately. If you could describe different roles/learning opportunities etc. for the different productions, list them differently.


Thanks for your suggestion! As most of them were differing roles with companies of differing levels (highschool, community, professional, etc) I think listing them separately, like you said, is a better idea.

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