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Graduate Students!

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So I am a recent graduate from an MSc program. I am OOO. I do not meet the wgpa cut-offs. I recognize that U of O claims not to use grad gpa as one of the three years. I'm just wondering how exactly then someone in my position can make their application competitive for U of O?! :S

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What exactly is your wGPA? Nobody knows what kind of formula they use for interview invites, but I highly believe that if you don't make the GPA cut-off, you are out of luck. If you take a look at the accepted/rejected thread, a lot of people who got accepted had 3.9+ wGPA. Depending on how much your GPA differs from the cut-off, I would suggest doing an extra undergrad year to boost it up over the cut-off.


Maybe someone else can also suggest something else. But as far as I know, first you have to make the GPA cut-off, THEN the ABS cut-off.


EDIT: I actually noticed a person with below cut-off GPA (Although IP) and a Masters degree (very productive, 4 publications) that got accepted. So I guess I was wrong about GPA cut-offs. Maybe someone else can shine some light on graduate degrees with regards to Ottawa. Ottawa seems like the most random school IMO when it comes to acceptances.

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For anyone interested, I contacted OttawaMed admissions. They basically said that grad students are not given any advantage. So the only way to improve your chance of admission (if you are a grad students who does not meet the cut-offs) is to register for a second undergrad full time. :eek: :eek:

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