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3 Labs in one semester

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Its is doable to have Chem and Physics in the same term, I did it last year in term 2. It will take some good time management to do well but not impossible. Biol 224 isn't too bad as a lab, there are multiple quizzes and a lab exam. The same goes with Chem labs, you'll have problem sessions, and quizzes to complete and probably the most stressful lab I've had.


I will say that Physics labs are pretty intense and you need to be prepared before you go in with pre labs done and know what your doing. There is only 5 labs to do in each term, with no quiz or test in it

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I am taking BIOL 224, CHEM 112 and PHY 115 in this semester. Has anyone done this before like taking 3 courses with labs in one semester? I was wondering how hard it will be to manage these 3 labs together. Any suggestion will be appreciated.


Oh wow... thankfully I finished all that a long time ago... If I were you I would start praying... lol


Seriously though, just keep your head in the game and you should be able to get a decent mark... although you'll be dead tired at the end of every week...

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Meh most people do BIO 120, PHY 115 and CHEM 112 either way so it doesnt seem all that different. Wrt to time spent on labs; it certainly does require some prioritizing. However, dont dismiss the labs simply because they are worth less. There is a glut of people failing to get into med with marks in the 87-89 range simply due to a 0.1% lower grade. I actually improved my mark from PHY115->PHY 117 by 5% by simply improving on a 60s:rolleyes: lab mark.

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