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Reference Letters Online Uploading / Online application

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Hello amigos two questions!



1) Does CaRMS allow you to upload like 8 reference letters so that you can select which letters you want to go to different programs?



2) Is there a way to see the CaRMS application online before you open it so I can get a feel for it. I.e what the different sections are etc?


thanks a bunch!

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1) Yes, but you create electronic references by entering a referee's name, address, etc., and then the system forwards them an email so they can upload a letter. Then later during "document assignment" you can assign any letter to any program.


2) Apart from the general info on the website, I don't think so. If you're entering the match this year, you'll basically get to see it within the next 24 hours. If not, it doesn't really matter as the format could change from year to year.

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1) Yes, but you create electronic references by entering a referee's name, address, etc., and then the system forwards them an email so they can upload a letter. Then later during "document assignment" you can assign any letter to any program.


2) Apart from the general info on the website, I don't think so. If you're entering the match this year, you'll basically get to see it within the next 24 hours. If not, it doesn't really matter as the format could change from year to year.


Thanks A-Stark. I just wanted to figure out the different headings of carms so I can start preparing my CV etc. I am in the next cycle.

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