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UBC Interview Weighting

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I am thinking around 50% although I think they leave themselves a little wiggle room based on other factors because there were multiple people on these forums this year with above average interviews and waitlists or rejections. It used to be that the interview made you or broke you, but I think it is changing. Ubc has started shifting towards academics and mcat. I am obviously completely speculating, but I have a decent gpa(about average for interviewed applicants), and I had an above average interview score and got waitlisted. My mcat isn't amazing (around 30 and balanced), but my naqs were quite high.


According to the info I received when I got rejected after the waitlist my scores for naq and interview where above average and my aq was average for interviewed applicants. That leaves the mcat and my letters of reference to pull me down. Probably more the mcat but who knows? Anyway, all I am trying to say is that unless everything on your app is strong acing the interview might not clinch the deal. Since they don't release their weighting formula, it is possible that the actual percentage changes based on the current pool of applicants. So on a given year if the grades and mcats of applicants are all very similar, they put more weight on the interview or if a lot of people ace the interview they put more weight on academics.

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I am thinking around 50% although I think they leave themselves a little wiggle room based on other factors because there were multiple people on these forums this year with above average interviews and waitlists or rejections. It used to be that the interview made you or broke you, but I think it is changing. Ubc has started shifting towards academics and mcat. I am obviously completely speculating, but I have a decent gpa(about average for interviewed applicants), and I had an above average interview score and got waitlisted. My mcat isn't amazing (around 30 and balanced), but my naqs were quite high.


According to the info I received when I got rejected after the waitlist my scores for naq and interview where above average and my aq was average for interviewed applicants. That leaves the mcat and my letters of reference to pull me down. Probably more the mcat but who knows? Anyway, all I am trying to say is that unless everything on your app is strong acing the interview might not clinch the deal. Since they don't release their weighting formula, it is possible that the actual percentage changes based on the current pool of applicants. So on a given year if the grades and mcats of applicants are all very similar, they put more weight on the interview or if a lot of people ace the interview they put more weight on academics.


Make sense, thanks.

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Anyone care to share how the interview score is weighted within the final decision? There are plenty of speculation that the interview is worth at least 50% of the final decision if not more. Could anyone verify that?


there was an article that came out from CBC saying that last cycle it was 25%MCAT, 25% GPA, 50% interview (post-interview).


my 2 cents is that there is no "weighting formula" at UBC, and that even if there is, the adcom still hand-picks people once they have all the information.

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