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2nd Online degree - TRU or Athabasca?

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Hi everyone,


First time posting a thread! Need some advice here, esp from people who have gone this route before. I have investigated both universities. Their online programs both look pretty good. However, most of TRU's courses are self-paced, while Athabasca offers both individual paced and group study modes, that follows the traditional semestered pace.


Specifically, I am interested in completing a Bachelor in Commerce. I did a Bachelor in Science for my first undergrad, and out of interest I took some BComm courses and really liked them. So I think doing a 2nd degree in this field would be preferrable to me. I have all the pre-reqs for medical admissions from my 1st undergrad already.


From my understanding, most Canadian Medical Schools do accept degrees from these two universities. However, since each school has their own regulations about course load etc, doing the self-paced thing may not be preferrable (esp for schools like UWO). Thus at this point I am leaning more towards Athabasca, since it offers traditional paced classes. However, from reading the forum I know that some people have become successful in gaining admissions who did their degree from TRU.


So I am just looking for some input/advice, anything really, that people may know about which school would be better. Help is greatly appreciated!

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I am doing a degree through TRU- BA Psych. I will write more soon, but I'm babysitting right now. :)


Thanks Kyla! How are you liking the program? From my understanding, the courses on the transcript from TRU will reflect the start date (date you register for the course), and then 30 weeks after that would be the end date. Is this correct?


I have tried contacting UWO regarding this by email, but they didn't give me any real answer - they basically re-stated their courseload requirements and upper class requirements. Maybe I should call them instead...


As UWO is a school that looks at best 2 years, I would really like to know how they view the non-paced online courses. Do you by any chance have had any contact with them?

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Hi rescue, I talked to UWO through e-mail a few months ago, and they told me that correspondence courses with TRU would be completely fine, as long as you meet the specific course number requirements. They don't discriminate against courses taken online.


However, I wasn't aware at the time, that the end date of the course would actually be 30 weeks from the day you start the course. I wonder how that would fit with the traditional Sept-Dec/Jan-April semesters that most of these schools require. Hopefully Kyla can address this because I'm also interested in starting the TRU path.


And Kyla, you've reappeared!!! I hope you've been enjoying your courses and that your MCAT went well.

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Hi rescue, I talked to UWO through e-mail a few months ago, and they told me that correspondence courses with TRU would be completely fine, as long as you meet the specific course number requirements. They don't discriminate against courses taken online.


However, I wasn't aware at the time, that the end date of the course would actually be 30 weeks from the day you start the course. I wonder how that would fit with the traditional Sept-Dec/Jan-April semesters that most of these schools require. Hopefully Kyla can address this because I'm also interested in starting the TRU path.


And Kyla, you've reappeared!!! I hope you've been enjoying your courses and that your MCAT went well.


Thanks stressed for your input! I too had wondered about the 30 weeks frame in relation to traditional semesters. I had emailed TRU specifically to ask how courses would appear on the transcript, and they told me that even if you finish the course early, the end date would be 30 weeks from your registration date.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

I would also love to have more information on both these schools. I was originally sold on UAth as it is closer to where I live atm however I havnt heard the best things about that school. TRU on the other hand, I havnt heard anything about.

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I just completed mine through Athabasca and got acceptance to NOSM.


I loved Athabasca's format. You can register for 5 courses at a time (well technically you can carry 6) to have a regular full time semesters, but then work on the courses one at a time if you want. All the courses I took were very well organized, tutors were easy to reach.


You just have to make sure that the self-directed method is right for you. It's very easy to get behind, or if you aren't organized yourself you might run into trouble.


Good luck!

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I just completed mine through Athabasca and got acceptance to NOSM.


I loved Athabasca's format. You can register for 5 courses at a time (well technically you can carry 6) to have a regular full time semesters, but then work on the courses one at a time if you want. All the courses I took were very well organized, tutors were easy to reach.


You just have to make sure that the self-directed method is right for you. It's very easy to get behind, or if you aren't organized yourself you might run into trouble.


Good luck!


What degree did you pursue, if you don't mind me asking?!

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FYI: I emailed UOttawa about online degrees, and they don't accept online degrees as their undergrad degree requirement(I was hoping to do a second degree online).


Yeah it's weird, they're the only one school that doesn't allow online degrees.

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  • 7 years later...


I know this post is way 2013 But im wondering if can you shed some light, if you can, which is better to take 2nd bachelors from for med school acceptance? Tru or Au? I think most of you guys are physicians now. I am planning to do another 2nd bachelors. Thanks in advance 

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