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Personal Essay Word Limit

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Now, I know there's already a thread on this but...I completed the 4 personal essays adhering to the 2000 character limit, but stupidly only found out about the 250 word limit just now. My essays hover around 300-350 words. Do you guys think they'll actually bother doing a word count? And if they do, would they really flat out not read it simply because it's 50 or 100 words too many? Or should I buckle down and just cut out a good chunk of my essays *gulp*?

Thanks y'all

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Not to sound like a broken record, but I'd definitely cut the words down. In the handbook it says that any applicant whose essays do not meet the requirements (and I'm assuming the 250 word count is included in these requirements) will be disqualified.

I did exactly the same thing as you and had to spend a painful amount of time cutting words down.

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