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Out-of-Province applicant


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The newest stats are up and it looks like successful OOPs (those offered spots) mostly had 3.85 GPA or above and VR 10 or above, with a few outliers below



It just depends on who else applies OOP in order for you to reach full file review. I agree with NewfieMike--sounds borderline, but I'd go for it


You are missing a big point in the stats. VR and GPA are NOT related. You gotta make up for one by getting higher in the other (and by higher I mean HIGHER)


+1 to missmathematics

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JUST APPLY. It doesn't hurt to try and you have to prep your EC descriptions for OMSAS anyway (I imagine everyone applies to somewhere in Ontario at least). Let the adcom decide if it's good enough or not.


Please do not give false information to applicants, people could use $100 elsewhere.




are you seriously saying this? A shot at going to med school (vice sitting on your ass for another year) isn't worth a mere $100?


I'm not sure if I misunderstood your comment but I'm not sure your priorities are in the right order.

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JUST APPLY. It doesn't hurt to try and you have to prep your EC descriptions for OMSAS anyway (I imagine everyone applies to somewhere in Ontario at least). Let the adcom decide if it's good enough or not.






are you seriously saying this? A shot at going to med school (vice sitting on your ass for another year) isn't worth a mere $100?


I'm not sure if I misunderstood your comment but I'm not sure your priorities are in the right order.


If you listened to the podcast, even Dr Walker says to think twice before you apply if you are barely making those cut-offs. And clearly OP is NOT even barely making the cut-offs. Cut-offs do change every year but with the way med school admissions are going, cut-offs won't fluctuate much (more likely to increase than decrease though). I always say to people to apply and see for themselves, but in this case I say save your money. Cut-offs are cut-offs and $150 is $150.


just my 2 cents.

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The off chance is still a chance, there is ALWAYS a chance. People were offered last minute interviews LAST year because people had cancelled and declined. I didn't hear of that happening when I applied 2 years ago.


You can't know what's going to happen; please don't make careless conjectures about the future to/for people. Applying to one extra med school is not going to hurt them in the long run. It's not like buddy here only has a 6.5m long jump PR, and wants to jump between 2 skyscrapers with a 6.7m difference for a stunt. IT'S JUST AN APPLICATION; IT'S NOT GOING TO HURT HIM!!!


If I ever paid any heed to people like you, I would have NEVER gotten into med school.

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The off chance is still a chance, there is ALWAYS a chance. People were offered last minute interviews LAST year because people had cancelled and declined. I didn't hear of that happening when I applied 2 years ago.


You can't know what's going to happen; please don't make careless conjectures about the future to/for people. Applying to one extra med school is not going to hurt them in the long run. It's not like buddy here only has a 6.5m long jump PR, and wants to jump between 2 skyscrapers with a 6.7m difference for a stunt. IT'S JUST AN APPLICATION; IT'S NOT GOING TO HURT HIM!!!


If I ever paid any heed to people like you, I would have NEVER gotten into med school.



You've clearly failed to understand the content of my post. I've always given constructive advice to people on here. There is no need to enlarge your no brainer signature as I already said that in my post. Instead, try to suggest ways that OP can use to improve his/her application. The fact that OP is OOP makes it that much harder to get a full file review let alone getting an interview invite.


"People like me" try to be informative of things others don't rather than just stating the obvious.

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You've clearly failed to understand the content of my post. I've always given constructive advice to people on here. There is no need to enlarge your no brainer signature as I already said that in my post. Instead, try to suggest ways that OP can use to improve his/her application. The fact that OP is OOP makes it that much harder to get a full file review let alone getting an interview invite.


"People like me" try to be informative of things others don't rather than just stating the obvious.


Gotta say I agree with Legion here, sometimes it's better to spend your time and money on something that is going to help improve your application, like towards tuition for more schooling to help bring up your gpa, etc. I know it's only $150, but for some people that is a lot of money, and shouldn't be just thrown out if you are substantially below the cutoffs.

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@mm88 Thank you for giving encouragement to those applying. It's nice to hear feedback from an actual medical student.



Yes. Because people who already got into med school still keep up with actual cut-offs for every school they used to apply to. On the other hand, those who are still applying to get in don't know $hit about cut-offs. If that's your logic, then good luck getting into med school.


Welcome to the forum though. The fact that you just joined and defended someone in your second post suggests that you probably aren't new at all. But hey, what do I know, I'm not a medical student (yet). :rolleyes:


It's ultimately up to the OP to decide. OP's money, OP's decision.


That's it for me in this thread.

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Unless the currently posted applicant manual is wrong, the only strict cut off there is for OOP is 3.6 minimum GPA. Candidates are then ranked based on their GPA and VR score and top 200 to 250 applicants get full file review.


That is not a strict cut off from my understanding. I don't have beef with strict cutoffs, I have beef with people saying that people have no chance when.the have a small one

No one knows the stats of this years pool of applicants, the only way to find out how you stack up to oher people's stats is to apply.

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It is clear that you did not understand how admissions at Calgary is done.

The 3.6 GPA cutoff is just for the purpose of making more money from applicants-the 3.6 allows you to submit a payment and an application.


The REAL cutoffs for OOP is based on the formuls stated multiple times before.

These cutoffs are determined around December. If the person with the approx 3.76 does not have a VR of 14, they will NOT look at the subjective portion. Application tossed in recycling.


You are probably mistaking this for Mac admissions process where a really good Casper score will offset a GPA and VR. This is NOT the case at calgary. Nothing will offset the GPA and VR.


It is okay though, we are all still learning :)


I don't think mm is mistaking it for mcmaster, I think what they are saying is the VR of 14 was last years cutoff, but because they take the top 200-250 (a range and not a strict number), it is possible that the VR for a 3.76 GPA is lower this year. And that it is not, by definition, a strict cutoff. However, falling low enough for the OP to get full file review is HIGHLY unlikely and may or may not be worth the OPs money.


For what its worth, I wouldn't apply in this situation were I the OP; however, my girlfriend is applying with something around a 3.95 and VR8, which is also boderline, highly unlikely. For her, the money is not an issue, and she has a strong supplemental application, so it's worth it to her to spend the money and see. For me, it wouldn't be worth it because my financial situation is different, I would keep working on my application and try elsewhere/next year.

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We aren't all still learning. I read up and follow the regs for my own damn school, thank you very much. Solely for the purposes of helping premeds like yourselves.


Clearly, this is not worth my time; people don't seem to understand that Med is like a lottery. You can crunch all the numbers you want but unless you buy tickets, you won't win. How many tickets OP wants to buy is up to him, but I sure as hell won't stand by idly and let people tell him not to because his chances suck.

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What do you think are my chances of getting an interview as an OOP with a 3.8 GPA and 10 VR?


Well I'll just go ahead and answer the question directly. Just to make it to full file review would be highly unlikely, so to get to the point of interview would be a miracle. I'd say much less than 1%.


I don't think it's appropriate to insist that OP shouldn't apply, and neither do I think it appropriate to insist that OP should apply. I would almost never consider it worth the money, time, and commitment to apply given the circumstances, but it's possible that for OP time and money are not limiting factors. Further, it might worth for the OP just for the comfort in knowing he/she put in his/her name, even if practically it makes no real difference.

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Well I'll just go ahead and answer the question directly. Just to make it to full file review would be highly unlikely, so to get to the point of interview would be a miracle. I'd say much less than 1%.


I don't think it's appropriate to insist that OP shouldn't apply, and neither do I think it appropriate to insist that OP should apply. I would almost never consider it worth the money, time, and commitment to apply given the circumstances, but it's possible that for OP time and money are not limiting factors. Further, it might worth for the OP just for the comfort in knowing he/she put in his/her name, even if practically it makes no real difference.


This is why my gf put her name in I believe, she is close, 8 and 3.95ish, but unlikely. She just feels more comfortable spending the money and knowing she attempted it. I'd be on the other side, I wouldn't apply in the OPs situation, seeing as there is a 0.11 diff between their GPA and what was needed, but that's just me.

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can we turn down the anger a few notches in this thread?


for the stats people:


according to last year's numbers, and predicted expectation of little change, it does seem that OPs 3.80 is lower than the 3.91 that was the lowest cutoff of the one previous cycle. By no means are these set in stone requirements, just trends. A lot of things can change in a year, but I agree with you that based on those things are not looking favorably for OP. I wasn't aware of this post of stats when I posted my initial, vague response.


to the dreamers:


you are also right. Miracles happen. UofT "requires" 9 in each section but say you can sacrifice a point in one section if other parts of your application make up for it. And yet, if you look at their posted stats of matriculants, there are people who get in with 7's. Things happen.


All the OP has provided us is a GPA and VR score, both which seem competitive for acceptance at some medical school, somewhere. Sure, it is entirely possible that it won't be as an out-of-province applicant at the UofC. But if they keep applying, I believe they are bound to get in, somewhere (I believe that to be true for anyone with semi-competitive stats and a willingness to keep applying for several years). So let's assume OP will go to medical school somewhere, sometime. That's an easy 100,000+ in debt. Another 150$ for a shot at a chance is pennies, in comparison.


If the OP had a 3.3 and a 6 in VR, I would be saying a different tune. The numbers are usually right, but it doesn't hurt to try.

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