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Advantage to apply as mature student?

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I am am in my early 30's. My simple OMSAS GPA is 3.52, I have a masters (so, +0.2 GPA -> 3.72). I spent a significant time in the North (not Ontario, but elsewhere) in smaller communities. I have research experience / scholarships, and lots of great ECs.


I'm wondering if there is an advantage to apply as a mature student, thus checking the voluntary box and answering question 7 on the Supplementary information? Any thoughts?



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I think the only advantage might be that you get to have another box to tell the AdCom how great of a candidate you are. I would check it just for that reason.



I totally agree. It's definitely another opportunity to showcase the qualities you think will make you a good candidate and with competition so tight that might give you an edge. That would really be the only advantage for you since the only other benefit is being able to apply with a 3 year degree.

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  • 3 weeks later...

other considerations are a perception (not sure how validated) that a mature applicant from the north is either already settled or likely to settle in the northern setting (big positive), but if you are quite old (lets say... 60 for the sake of discussion) then you don't likely have a long career in medicine in front of you... of course there is a gradient in that one, and I have many mature peers in their 30's for example, but a paucity of them in their 40's and not a single one in their 50's (that I'm aware of). Seeing as you are in your early 30's, and they know your age regardless, you should apply as a mature applicant.


nosm is extremely non-ageist, accepting both the young and the mature... and both have different problems and we all get through it.


good luck

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