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Another Award question

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No, Dr. Walker said they really didn't care about how much it was or what is was for. So I would probably advise against it.


If they don't care how much it was for or what it was for, they won't read it.


if the application instructions specifically says "do not include monetary value" than I also would advise against it, as it shows you cannot read instructions.


if the instructions do not specify, I would include them. What if you have a very specific, uncommon award that was worth like $50,000 and was incredibly important?

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Thank you. I didn't mean to appear rude or arrogant with my response and I apologize if I've offended anyone - in fact I've been very lucky and fortunate to win that money.


I just thought it unfair that you couldn't indicate the value because I think it's an important aspect when describing an award. Perhaps its just that having been in the academic world for a while now, it's just the mentality that most people in academia have, that the more money you win and the more publications you have is an indicator of success in that world (I mean take a look at an academic's CV, they all indicate the value of grants and awards). In many ways I've adopted this mentality consciously and subconsciously even if I do somewhat disagree with it.

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I've written in the monetary value on every award I've won.


I've also written in the monetary value on the awards that I've won but had to decline.


My CV has a specific section called "non-monetary awards" and if its something important that no one would have heard of I always include a line saying what it was for

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