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total hours for travel/volunteering abroad

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Just wanted to double check what others put down in terms of total hours in the non-academic section for volunteer activities abroad/overseas. I seem to recall reading somewhere (can't find it now of course!) that we shouldn't include travel time, meals, sleeping etc. If one was on a mission for 1 month working full 10 hour days of relief work, would they expect 10x31=310hours, or can additional hours be factored in as well?

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i think just use your best judgement and explain further how you arrived at your hours calculation in 'clarification' field.


for an extended research project i did in a foreign country i calculated the hours the same as if i had done it in canada at home.


but for another activity i have in diversity of experience which was essentially just travel to a remote-ish, foreign area for fun, i calculated the total time i was there (exclusive to actually getting there on a plane and so on). but i was explicit that i counted total time and how i arrived at the number of hours i put in the clarifications field.


if anyone has any other input on how to calculate hours for 'leisure' travel i'd b glad to hear it.


i think overall, though, they won't penalize you as long as you're within the realms of common sense and you clarify anything that need be clarified in the respective field.

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