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Additional Comments - OOP Applicant

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I completed my first two years of University with undiagnosed ADD and obtained relatively poor GPAs (3.15 and 3.38). Once I realized I had the disorder and took appropriate steps, I was able to reach my full potential (obtained 3.91 and 4.0 in 3rd and 4th year, respectively). I also have a GPA of 3.9 in my PhD program (not conferred yet), several pubs and two national CIHR awards, but I don't think these matter if I can't pass the cut off.


Based on the admissions blog, my GPA for my best 3 years would be 3.76. With a VR of 10, this puts me out of the race (according to the admissions blog). My question is: how would my my extenuating circumstances be treated in this regard? If the admissions office felt my reasoning was sufficient, would the 2nd year 3.38 GPA be dropped?

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those cut offs are to make it to a full-file review. Meaning the only thing they know about you is your VR score and GPA. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but extenuating circumstances are not even read before full file review?
Thanks for the info. I sincerely hope this isn't the case but it sounds like it may be. :(
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