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Gifts for referees

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hm, I really think it depends on the person. I can think of a couple of people in my mind who seem far too formal that I wouldn't feel comfortable sending them a bottle of wine.


I can think of others who would graciously except any gift. So I guess it depends on how well you know your references..... although I do think wine is a good choice.

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I haven't yet, but I think I am going to mail them a thankyou card for their support, etc.


I may also include a small picture of me. I have seen similar things in other profs offices.


The picture thing sounds odd, unless the prof has asked for it.


For example, in my program, the majority of students are applying for dietetic internships, and the profs in our department write the bulk of the reference letters. To facilitate things, the department asks that everyone asking for a reference letter submit a photo of themselves, so the profs can easily put a face to the name.

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The picture thing sounds odd, unless the prof has asked for it.


For example, in my program, the majority of students are applying for dietetic internships, and the profs in our department write the bulk of the reference letters. To facilitate things, the department asks that everyone asking for a reference letter submit a photo of themselves, so the profs can easily put a face to the name.


lol really? like would it be weird even if I included a small grad pic of me? lmao you guys are making me question this idea..

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I was thinking about this too LOL


Lol is it still creepy if my prof was my research supervisor for a year and a half and we had like a GAZILLION meetings and she's basically a friend now?


Becuase I can see how it would be weird to give a picture to a prof I only had a couple of classes with...

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Lol is it still creepy if my prof was my research supervisor for a year and a half and we had like a GAZILLION meetings and she's basically a friend now?


Becuase I can see how it would be weird to give a picture to a prof I only had a couple of classes with...


LOL i'd think something formal like a grad photo like that is okay, given the context, and as long as you think the person would actually be like "oh, that's nice :)". otherwise, yeah, i think most people reading your OP were picturing the second scenario LOL

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I didn't... its inappropriate!


Exactly. A thank you Email should be more than enough. A thank you card would also be Ok.


And to the poster with the photo idea (still LOL :D), the pictures you see in some profs' offices are likely their graduate students (current or alumni) or their family members/close friends.


I still can't stop laughing at this picture idea. lmao

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I would give it to them now, in the interim. Regardless of whether you get in or not, they still took the time to write you a letter. Hopefully if you don't get in you won't blame it on them either, since most professors will decline to write a letter on your behalf if they don't feel as if they have good things to say.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I give mine gifts always.

But I'm a masters student and my supervisor is awesome and I've been working in her lab for years (since undergrad) and we've gone on trips/conferences together, so I know her very well on a personal level. I got her chocolates & thank you card.


My other ref was a professor that I knew from college 10 years ago, he's also very cool and he's on my facebook haha so he got a coffee gift card. I think it depends on the relationship with the referee. I don't think it's inappropriate at all.

If they know you well enough to write an amazing letter for you why can't you give them a gift? I think a small token of appreciation is okay.

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