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Small bump in gpa worth it?

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I plan on applying to Mac this September but had a bit of a disaster in one of my courses so my GPA plummeted.


If everything goes as planned, I'll have a 3.78 at the end of this year.


My dilemma is whether to take summer courses this summer. I know of a few courses that are reasonably low workload for me and I can guarantee that I'd get a 4.0 in them that I'd like to take during the summer. If I were to, my GPA would go up to 3.80.


The only reason I'm hesitant to do so is that I would be studying for my MCATs this summer.


So, is the time investment worth the extra 0.02? I'd say I'd spend about 15 hours/week on the classes combined.

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I plan on applying to Mac this September but had a bit of a disaster in one of my courses so my GPA plummeted.


If everything goes as planned, I'll have a 3.78 at the end of this year.


My dilemma is whether to take summer courses this summer. I know of a few courses that are reasonably low workload for me and I can guarantee that I'd get a 4.0 in them that I'd like to take during the summer. If I were to, my GPA would go up to 3.80.


The only reason I'm hesitant to do so is that I would be studying for my MCATs this summer.


So, is the time investment worth the extra 0.02? I'd say I'd spend about 15 hours/week on the classes combined.


not worth it. Study Verbal instead.

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I don't know about you, but I would find it worthwhile to bump the GPA if a 4.0 is guaranteed. That being said, a bump of 1 mark in verbal is probably more important than a 0.02, so don't take any course unless you are sure that it wouldn't jeopardize your MCAT. In the end, only you can answer that question. Personally, I would go for the summer course.

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Don't do it - your GPA is definitely good enough for an interview. Focus on doing well in VR and try and prepare for CASPer to the best of your ability (make sure you can type fast!)


I actually ended up deciding against it. I was at 120% course load too and decided that I was just pushing myself too hard so looking to end with somewhere between a 3.75 and a 3.77 this semester depending on whether I end with A's or A+'s. Dropped down to 100% course load and not planning on taking any summer courses.


I figure the extra 15 hours/week that I would spend on classes could go towards MCAT studying and probably bump me up a point which means far more than 0.02 on my GPA.

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