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U of T Interview is COMING UP~~!!

Guest Dentist

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Guest Dentist

Hi people!! U of T interview is coming up. Hope everyone is well prepared. I've went through threads from last year to read previous posts on UT, and realized that UT interview doesn't count too much. I know worth 10% towards the final % BUT

some person was saying it's all about GPA and interview is BS.

Is this true?

Is there a cut off for interview at UT just like UBC or somewhere else?


I just don't get all this because UT inteviews 40 oop and select only 5~6. If the final selection is purely based on GPA regardless of your interview performance, it's waste of time and money for students and interviewers. right?


I want somebody with CLEAR thoughts to verify this matter. Please.. thanks

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Guest LestatZinnie

interview does not count very much for UT. I remember a few years ago they didn't even have interviews for admission. A lot of people say that GPA is everything at UT. This should be good news to some as interview is one of the most stressful parts of the application process. I agree it's a waste of time for students, but it's best to just play along. good luck. :)

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Guest Akenney

I've been wondering the same thing... If the interview only counts for 10% then the order of "preference" wont change very much... so basically if you're already at the top or the bottom it shouldn't matter, but if you're border-line the interview becomes really important... I think that U of T has an interview now because the CDA believes that there should be an interview.

I'm getting nervous!! I'm driving down there tomorrow!! ahhhhh! I just want it over with.

Anyway, good luck to everyone this weekend! :D

hope you all flossed!! hehe ;)


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Guest Dentist

Well... would it be ok to ask the admission office where I am on their list? would they tell me?


say, if I am # 35 on OOP list, what's the point of going there and BSing during interview?

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Guest Akenney

I'm sure that it wouldn't be a problem to call and ask about your ranking, but if you're OOP then I'm assuming that you must have already made arrangements to get to/stay in Toronto... (flight, bus, hotel etc...) so you might as well go to the interview. Even if you don't get accepted right away, you want to rank as high as you can on the waiting list. Many OOP students will probably end up staying in their home province, so bottom line, it doesn't hurt to do as well as you possibly can. Even if you don't get in, it gives you experience for other interviews (whether they are other universities this year) or next year... The only reason that (in my opinion) would be good enough to not go to an interview would be if you were already accepted elsewhere.

On the other hand, if you're convinced that you're that high in the ranking, you may have already decided that you're not going to get in, which will make you more relaxed in the interview... which could cause you to get in!

Also if all the GPAs and DATs are in the same range for people being interviewed then it could very well come down just to that last defining 10% (I've been thinking about this for a while now...)

btw, please tell whether they do give you your ranking, then I think I might call and find out mine (that is if you do end up calling) I'm afraid to call because I don't want them to remember my name or something and be thinking "oh yeah, that's the girl that keeps on pestering us..."

Anyway, good luck


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I have been reading on various threads that UofT's interview is only 10% and its the lowest thing they look at.


Sorry to burst your bubbles, but I called and they said it was 2nd most important thing they look at. Thus, GPA, Interview, DAT. You won't find anywhere an official percentage of how much each are worth, but I've heard from reliable sources that its 55% GPA, 30% Interview, 15% DAT. All +/-5%.


Also, when I called I asked to find out my ranking, and they said they would only give it to people who got rejected. I asked what the lowest GPA was to get an offer, and they said 3.62. I know people who had higher then this (3.7) and did not get an interview b/c of low perception on the DAT (~18).


Hope this info helps, best of luck to all of you this weekend.


Take care,



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Guest Dentist

That means, with relatively a low GPA something like 3.62 (probably at the bottom on their list prior to interview), if you have an awesome interview, you have a chance to get in?


But then I haven't heard anyone with that range of GPA actually got in!! most people had GPA something like 3.8 3.9... and according to past postings, some of those accepted admitted that their interviews were horrible...

didn't smile at all, short weird answers, no full explanation... etc.. etc... that's what I don't get..

maybe bad interview attitudes & performance have a positive effect???

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Guest Akenney

Hey! I had my interview yesterday and it was pretty weird! I think that they play good-cop/bad-cop. One interviewer was very nice and friendly and would nod and say ok, etc... but the other would just stare at you. they would ask you a question with no expression and during your answer they would just stare. It seemed to be the same for the other people in my group that I had a tour with. The tour was awesome! the labs are huge!! I forget the exact number of chairs they had, but it was on the order of 150! Then the lounge!! oh my! Italian leather couches, pool table, foose ball! lots of fun! How did everyone else find it?

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Guest happychica

yah i agree with u on that one....one interviewer (a lady) was really friendly....asked me questions and didnt probe me after my answers..

the other guy....hmm....seems very nice too..but a bit scarier!

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I agree with the good cop/bad cop thing. In my interview, the guy was good, and made comments after some of my examples, and the lady would just stare.


Just remember, last year 25 people made it off the waiting list, and the year before 40 people made it off.



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