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Did you guys get no follow up prompts at all?..........

Generally people told me that when they finish early, there are follow up questions. Not sure if it always holds true at Mac though



I actually had one station where he was like "just keep talking" ... and he had no prompts what so ever, even when I paused and was pretty much done...

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Wow, very different experiences from everyone.


I usually talk for 5-6 minutes, because I wasn't expecting to have so many follow-up questions. For every single station, I had so many additional questions to answer that I continuously ran out of time. I don't think it matters though. It would have been an issue if I took the full 8 minutes to make my initial point.

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I actually had one station where he was like "just keep talking" ... and he had no prompts what so ever, even when I paused and was pretty much done...


That's strange - I finished nearly all the stations early and received follow-ups for all of them. For one of the stations we went through three whole follow-up questions, so I thought it was likely they had a list of questions they could ask from... but now I suppose that either isn't true or isn't always the case.

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I'm hoping it isn't a bad sign, because I can definitely relate! I would say at about a half of the stations I finished early. Not extremely early, maybe a minute or two at the most, but definitely early. One interviewer actually told me that I was the first one to finish early at that station! (And told me not to worry after a look of distress passed over my face). I guess there is stuff I didn't mention, but let's hope we were just succinct :)


I practiced with many people for the MMI, and I find that most of the times, after 4 minutes or so people start to repeat themselves. I think it's best better to say your points clearly once and finish early than to take the whole time but bore the evaluator.

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I feel the need to post even though i have never gone through the interview process. (applying this coming fall).


But I have a close family friend who is involved in the interviews and when ever I ask her anything she always stresses Quality over Quantity. The fact that you can fill your time with speaking doesn't mean you the quality of the answer was there.

Don't know if that eases anyone but hopefully it does.

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For me I always tried to talk for 4-6 minutes, and then used the remaining time for prompts. This was effective at all of my stations except one, where I finished all of the follow-up questions with ~10-15 seconds remaining (so no big deal).


Quality is definitely much more important than quantity. If you're just repeating yourself, it's better to just stop talking.

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Hey To-Be Class of 2016s,

You are gonna rock Mac's socks, I know it :D Come and become GREAT physicians (why settle with just good?)

But yeah, our class president is pretty awesome eh? ;)


EDIT: I also <3 Applemanv3, the dude's amaaaaazing.

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I actually had one station where he was like "just keep talking" ... and he had no prompts what so ever, even when I paused and was pretty much done...


Interesting, I've never experienced that at Mac.


Wow, very different experiences from everyone.


I usually talk for 5-6 minutes, because I wasn't expecting to have so many follow-up questions. For every single station, I had so many additional questions to answer that I continuously ran out of time. I don't think it matters though. It would have been an issue if I took the full 8 minutes to make my initial point.


Yeah my interview was more like this.

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I did include some personal examples because first hand knowledge is more genuine and easier to express . Also, only you have your stories. Now, I was brief about the knowledge I admitted about my personal life, and I didn't do it on every station, but I think it helped my interview as a whole.

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I'm checked in at the Visitor's Inn for my interview Saturday. If anyone is staying here, or in the area and wants to kill some time between now and the interview feel free to PM me :) I'm planning on doing some exploring around town tomorrow since I've never been out here before.

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quick question - my interview is at 11.30am tomorrow...do I need to be there at 8.30am to register? Or is it just that registration begins at 8.30, and you only have to be there 15 mins prior to your interview time?


There are a couple of speeches & meet and greet before the interview. I would go there at 8:30 just to be sure.

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quick question - my interview is at 11.30am tomorrow...do I need to be there at 8.30am to register? Or is it just that registration begins at 8.30, and you only have to be there 15 mins prior to your interview time?


If your check-in time is 11:30, go at 11:30, not 8:30. Mine was at 11:30, I checked in around 11:15, and then they took me to a room with some Q&A with current students, etc before the interview. Be there for the check in time on your letter is what I'd advise, you'll probably just be standing around if you show up that early.

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If your check-in time is 11:30, go at 11:30, not 8:30. Mine was at 11:30, I checked in around 11:15, and then they took me to a room with some Q&A with current students, etc before the interview. Be there for the check in time on your letter is what I'd advise, you'll probably just be standing around if you show up that early.


Sorry I misunderstood the question earlier! My check-in time was at 8:30 but I didn't get to the actual MMI till around 11 I think. So I assumed that's what OP was asking about. But yes, just arrive by the check-in time on your letter!

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quick question - my interview is at 11.30am tomorrow...do I need to be there at 8.30am to register? Or is it just that registration begins at 8.30, and you only have to be there 15 mins prior to your interview time?


there should be a 'check in' time on your interview invite. just go when that check in time specifies

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Can you please tell which building I need to go to? I forgot my letter. I have the address 1200 Main West. Is this right? Which building does it correspond to? Thank you so much to anyone who replies. I am pretty stressed about this.

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Can you please tell which building I need to go to? I forgot my letter. I have the address 1200 Main West. Is this right? Which building does it correspond to? Thank you so much to anyone who replies. I am pretty stressed about this.


Not sure if anyone has messaged you yet, but looking at my letter it says the interview is at the Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Learning and Discovery (MDCL) on McMaster campus, which according to google looks like it's right off of Forsyth Ave. (West side) right between King and Sterling streets. Hope that helps!

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What's everyone doing to pass the time?

I was looking forward to the new arrested development season, but apparently it's coming out at the end of May :(. Would have been a nice pick-me-up if I don't get good news!


I'm destroying the kitchen in my house by trying to learn to cook. I wonder how much more of this my mom is going to tolerate!

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What's everyone doing to pass the time?

I was looking forward to the new arrested development season, but apparently it's coming out at the end of May :(. Would have been a nice pick-me-up if I don't get good news!


second guessing.... everything!


It's funny... if you got an interview you have enough out of 30 to be considered, so the probability of acceptance basically comes down to your interview score.... or at least, that is what I have reasoned out.

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This is actually the worst kind of torture. I'd rather be waterboarded than wait another week, let alone 5 weeks until May 14...


I keep thinking of each scenario over and over and over again. 5 weekssssss.


What do you guys plan to do until and on May 13?

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I am not sure what I plan on doing May 13th yet, but hopefully something that will keep me preoccupied. Maybe take a trip to the zoo or something? I love the zoo :). I think I am going to try to stay up all night on May 13th, too, so that I will be so groggy when I read the results that if it is bad news I can just go to bed haha.


It's like getting drunk without alcohol!

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