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March 30th and 31st all day MMI prep

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is it weird that i remember all the stations.... sorry guys confidential, but good luck :)


I remember all of mine as well. Preferably, I'd like to forget about them though so that I can stop thinking about it nonstop.


Edit: After thinking about it, there is one station that I don't remember. I wonder what it was

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I remember all of mine as well. Preferably, I'd like to forget about them though so that I can stop thinking about it nonstop.


Edit: After thinking about it, there is one station that I don't remember. I wonder what it was


Same for me. There was one station that I forgot. I couldn't sleep! I finally remembered it 1 hour later.

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I thought it would be a good idea to write all the stations I had down right after so i would remember them. However, I find that now I can't stop going over what I did/didn't/should've said and analyzing how I might have done on each of them. I wish I had forgotten them.


I know the right answer is to say that you had a lot of fun at the MMI, but although the topics are interesting, for me the uncertainty of how you're doing combined with being actively judged and how much is riding on your performance just doesn't add up to fun. It's kind of torcherous.

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Good luck all of you interviewing this Saturday! I can't wait to meet you :D. Bonus points for anyone who can spot me IRL (Not really, I'm not assessing nor do I have any bearing on the admissions process....But I might give you a cookie).


As an aside, don't worry about anyone possibly getting an advantage if they find out about what the stations from the last interview weekends were. Stations for every interview day are new and not even assessors have access to them until the morning of (after which the assessors are kept in a black box with no communication to the outside world and are forced to listen to Nickleback looped over and over again until interviews are completed).

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