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Radiology PGY1 Electives

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Hi, I'm not sure what you mean by "stick to the radiology." People talk, and you don't want word to filter back to your program (before you've even started in earnest) that you were an uninterested off-service resident. Conversely, if you're keener than average, they will also remember and talk about that as well.


As well, PGY-1 is your last real chance to firm up your skills in clinical patient management (say you have your needle in someone in the future, and they start feeling woozy.. what do you do besides the instinctive response to call a code?). You'll be able to meet the surgical residents and ER physicians you'll be working closely with next year on call, and become a better consultant by understanding the circumstances under which they request imaging, and how the answers you give influence their decisions. Depending on the structure of your school's PGY-1, you may be able to spend time in subspecialty areas of medicine and surgery you otherwise wouldn't have had the chance to.


That being said, you do have relatively light reading expectations as an off-service resident, and therefore more free time depending on the rotation. You could use this to get a head start on research if you wished (PGY-2 will be busy with call prep and starting call), or do something else like get involved with the housestaff organization.

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My take on PGY1 electives was to not do radiology - I personally don't think it will be valuable at that stage as you'll forget everything you learn since you wont use it regularly once your elective is over. In addition, you wont have dictation abilities and hence cant do anything on your own (unless your institution is different then never mind) and will basically be shadowing. You don't get as much from shadowing as you would from actually working through the studies on your own.


Like Lactic Folly said, PGY1 is your chance to firm up your clinical skills which you'll need when you'll be doing LMCC part 2 after 4 months of nothing but radiology. So I chose to do a clinical elective. As well, I'm doing residency away from home so I did my elective back in my home town.


You can do whatever interests you: radiology, a clinical rotation, research etc. It wont make any difference in the long run.

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you do have relatively light reading expectations as an off-service resident, and therefore more free time depending on the rotation. You could use this to get a head start on research if you wished (PGY-2 will be busy with call prep and starting call), or do something else like get involved with the housestaff organization.

How much relative free time did you guys have in PGYs 1 2 and 3?

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My experience:


Most subjective free time in PGY-1. Quite variable depending on the rotation, but even on a busy rotation, once you are done with your workday or go home postcall, your time is your own. Plan to spend it wisely/happily.


Least subjective free time in PGY-2. Although the first few months are without call, there is pressure to study to prepare for call (and learn radiology in general), plus shave a few weeks off for LMCC Part II... then you are on call every few days, plus trying to continue learning radiology at the same time.


PGY-3 in between - more comfortable with call, but still on the steep end of the learning curve. May have additional responsibilities such as research.

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