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How did you rank the campuses?

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Hey everyone!


This forum has been kind of quiet lately, so I thought I'd start a conversation. I know that we have a few threads about the advantages of each campus, but I just filled in my ranking survey and thought it would be interesting to see what everyone else decided, too. Here's what I ranked:


1. Hamilton (my boyfriend is going to law school in TO, this way we could live halfway in between together and both commute)

2. Niagara (I just like the region better, and like the compact field sites)

3. Waterloo (I'd be happy here too, I have family and friends in this area).


#1 was easy to choose so I could be in the same place as the BF (we currently live together, so living separately for the next three years is something we'd like to avoid), but I had a hard time choosing between Niagara and Waterloo for 2 and 3. Obviously I'll be happy with any of the 3 if I get in.


What did you choose?

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1.) Hamilton - my husband is being transferred to the big Ham (do people call it that? I guess I'll find out when we move there) for work.

2.) Niagara - we bought a house in Stoney Creek which is almost as close to Brock as it is to Mac (for those who end up at Niagara, living here could be a way to address the 1st year 2-campus split without having to find a rental for 3 months.

3.) Waterloo - it's quite far from our house


As you can see, my reasons are exclusively logistical. I would really be just as happy at the satellite campuses as I would at the Hamilton campus, but my husband has to be in Hamilton. I have no idea what we'll do if I get in somewhere else but not at Mac.

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Note: If you have a #1 choice but don't care between the other 2 campuses, be sure to take note of the blue text that pops up if you input "prefer not to make a second choice" into slot 2.


Apparently they consider this as you basically saying, "if I don't get into choice #1 then you might as well not admit me".


At least that was my understanding from the written information.

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I was a little confused about the process - I understood that the likelihood of getting into your first choice depends upon your own ranking within the pool of applicants after the interview, and the campus selection does not affect your chance of being offered a spot.


However, if a spot opens up, does that go to the next person on the waitlist regardless of their campus preference, or does that spot go to the next person on the waitlist who has selected this campus as their first choice?


I hope this made sense! lol

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If you do not have a preference for a second choice, and you do not get assigned to your first choice campus, it does NOT mean that they will not give you a spot in the class.


Right, but I just think there might be a difference between leaving the 2nd slot blank and selecting the "prefer not to make a 2nd choice" option.


I can't go back in to re-read the blue text that pops up, since the survey token has been used. Maybe someone else who hasn't completed the survey can confirm what it says.

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Note: If you have a #1 choice but don't care between the other 2 campuses, be sure to take note of the blue text that pops up if you input "prefer not to make a second choice" into slot 2.


Apparently they consider this as you basically saying, "if I don't get into choice #1 then you might as well not admit me".


At least that was my understanding from the written information.

this was my understanding too last year, but seems to differ from what the presenters on interview day said. just rank them to be safe I'd say? there's no reason to leave empty rank spots.


also keep in mind that k/w and niagara do their core rotations in their respective cities, so you do lose face-time with hamilton programs (ie 6 weeks CTU at Hamilton), if that's a priority for you.


one major way my viewpoint changed from last year is the home-program advantage for residency programs: HHS has excellent programs and as a mac med you (may) get a leg up from my understanding, by virtue of increased face time etc.

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I was a little confused about the process - I understood that the likelihood of getting into your first choice depends upon your own ranking within the pool of applicants after the interview, and the campus selection does not affect your chance of being offered a spot.


However, if a spot opens up, does that go to the next person on the waitlist regardless of their campus preference, or does that spot go to the next person on the waitlist who has selected this campus as their first choice?


I hope this made sense! lol


My understanding is if a spot opens up it goes to the next person on the wait list regardless of their preference. Ranking always supersedes campus selection.

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My understanding is if a spot opens up it goes to the next person on the wait list regardless of their preference. Ranking always supersedes campus selection.


This is true. Campus selection mainly factors in for initial offers. As these offers are binding to campuses, after a spot opens up at a campus, that spot goes to the next person on the waitlist regardless of campus preference.

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There is a GO bus from York/Brampton/Sq1 to Waterloo and a Coach Canada from Hamilton to Waterloo!


Limited-service Go Train to the GTA as well!


Waterloo's pretty close to Hamilton by car as well - bit further than Niagara, but if you care about GTA access as well, it's not enough of a difference to really matter.

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Limited-service Go Train to the GTA as well!


Waterloo's pretty close to Hamilton by car as well - bit further than Niagara, but if you care about GTA access as well, it's not enough of a difference to really matter.


Yeah, I've taken the Go Train from Waterloo/Guelph to downtown Toronto on a couple of occasions. The nice thing from the Waterloo/Guelph end is that you are at the start of the line, so it is nice and easy to get a seat.

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