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Query Regarding Acceptance Procedures

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I've been accepted to Mac but was planning to wait until Monday, May 27th to make a final decision regarding which medical school I'd like to attend.


It just occurred to me that Mac needs that form and deposit sent by May 28th, in addition to accepting via OMSAS. Now, if I mail the form out on Monday in the provided envelope, there's no way it could possibly reach them by the 28th, though of course the online acceptance will reach them on time.


Is this a problem? Do I need to stuff Mac's provided envelope into an overnight express mail envelope (and then use the overnight post service) in order to make sure that my acceptance is registered smoothly?


Any input would be greatly appreciated.



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I've been accepted to Mac but was planning to wait until Monday, May 27th to make a final decision regarding which medical school I'd like to attend.


It just occurred to me that Mac needs that form and deposit sent by May 28th, in addition to accepting via OMSAS. Now, if I mail the form out on Monday in the provided envelope, there's no way it could possibly reach them by the 28th, though of course the online acceptance will reach them on time.


Is this a problem? Do I need to stuff Mac's provided envelope into an overnight express mail envelope (and then use the overnight post service) in order to make sure that my acceptance is registered smoothly?


Any input would be greatly appreciated.




Why not just scan and email or fax the forms to their office?

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i asked the exact same question year. Answer is pasted below.


we need to have received your response by May 29th, but we will be flexible if you package is delayed and we’ve heard from you/know it’s coming.


If you have accepted via OMSAS by the 29th, this goes a long way in holding your spot if your paperwork is delayed.

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Did those who sent in offer acceptances get some kind of confirmation that they were received? I mailed mine in (and accepted on OMSAS) over a week ago and it occurred to me today that I haven't heard back. Should I have?




I got a confirmation yesterday from Sue Boyd. Also, I emailed them last Friday because I was beginning to worry, and they said as long as you've accepted on OMSAS and your form is in the mail, then you don't have to worry.


They're probably overloaded with forms right now too.

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I went in and dropped my forms off yesterday to Sue (my acceptance package never came in the mail, so Wendy e-mailed me the package on Thursday afternoon and I definitely wasn't going to trust Canada Post to get them in on time since my package still hasn't made it to London!). She had a huge stack of forms and cheques, etc on her desk and seemed to be going through and filing/organizing them. I got an e-mail yesterday afternoon from her saying she'd received my forms, so if you haven't heard anything yet it probably wouldn't hurt to send her an e-mail and make sure she has it. I'm sure it's fine though!

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I got a confirmation yesterday from Sue Boyd. Also, I emailed them last Friday because I was beginning to worry, and they said as long as you've accepted on OMSAS and your form is in the mail,


then you don't have to worry.


They're probably overloaded with forms right now too.


Yes! DON'T WORRY! You got in. They're not about to drop you after all this work.


Give it some time before e-mailing them to confirm receipt - the Admin Office has an MD program to run as well...

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