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PLEASE read. Very stressed, need help with application

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I posted this elsewhere and didn't get any help so someone suggested I post it under this thread.


I have been stressing so much about this application process and I need some help from anyone.



I am a Canadian applicant applying to US medical schools (DO and MD).

My GPA is 3.68, EC are great, and my interview skills are great (not tooting my own horn, just trying to keep it simple- no problem in those areas). I have been averaging 33/34 on AMCAS MCAT tests.



I want to submit my application in June/July. Will I get accepted for an interview/ rejected by the schools before they see my MCAT or will they wait? If they wait, what is the point of applying early for schools with rolling admission?



Hypothetically, how low can my MCAT score be to still have at least one guaranteed interview (based on your educated guess, I know nothing is guaranteed).




I also haven't shadowed any DO or MD. Will that impact my application significantly?





LASTLY, I can't for the life of me come up with a finalized list of schools. I keep editing my list (adding and removing schools). I've found many posts giving lists of US schools accepting (known to accept, not just say they will) Canadians but upon further research it keeps getting smaller and now I have like 5 schools in my list.


Can someone please provide a good list? I have one of my own but it is short. I am looking for middle and low tier schools since I don't want to waste my time with high tier schools.


Thank you so much!

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You need to finish your primary app ASAP if you want to be ready early - it can take AMCAS up to a month after you submit for your app to be verified. And IMO, you cannot predict what your MCAT will be, so its best to apply early and hope for the best.


As for your MCAT question, schools will only look at you once you have your MCAT score submitted to them. When are you planning on writing? And, I'd say a score of 33 should get you at least one interview. Canadians are held with higher standards.


For a good school list, you need to buy the MSAR and look at which schools match your GPA and accept international students (the MSAR has all this info).

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Several DO schools require shadowing, and a subset of these require that it be a DO that you shadow. Your chances at a DO school are good, especially if you MCAT comes out okay.


For MD schools, I agree with life sci guy about the 33 for low tiers.

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I'm with Life_Sci_Guy, it depends when you are planning on writing your MCAT. If it's later than mid-august I would reccommend wiating until the next cycle. All schools will hold your application until they receive the mark, and if you are only getting your secondary applications by the end of September you are slightly behind everyone else. I wrote my MCAT in September last year (meaning I didn't get the result back until October), so I was told not to bother applying that cycle.

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I might be shadowing a doctor this summer so I'm waiting a little while longer to submit my application.


I never said I have a cGPA of 3.94 I said that's my non-science GPA, which means the GPA of my classes that are... not science.


Thanks a lot for the replies everyone.

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I might be shadowing a doctor this summer so I'm waiting a little while longer to submit my application.


I never said I have a cGPA of 3.94 I said that's my non-science GPA, which means the GPA of my classes that are... not science.


Thanks a lot for the replies everyone.


I'm sooo sorry, I somehow got sent to another person's profile!!


US schools love having clinical experience, so if you could shadow a doctor that would be great! But you don't want to hold your application to long, like people said it can take over a month for it to get verified. Good luck!

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No problem at all. Thanks a lot for the help.


I'm sooo sorry, I somehow got sent to another person's profile!!


US schools love having clinical experience, so if you could shadow a doctor that would be great! But you don't want to hold your application to long, like people said it can take over a month for it to get verified. Good luck!

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