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Re-taking the MCAT - what about the other sections?

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Hi everyone,


I'm applying to U of C this fall. I'm debating re-taking the MCAT solely to get a higher VR score. I'm not applying to any other schools so I'm not using the new score for anything else. My score was above the threshold but I think I can do better. The problem is that I don't have time to study for the other sections. I know the other sections aren't counted in your applicant score but if I do really poorly on them does it matter secretly?



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Your whole MCAT score is used in the subjective assessment of academic merit, so I would say it is unadvisable to write without studying the other sections as well if you think you would do quite poorly on them.


I will second this. I used this strategy last application cycle - poor other scores, but above average VR. It turns out that the subjective assessment is VERY heavily weighted on the MCAT results, and not much else, as evidenced by my scores. My combined score for VR & subjective was lower when I used my high VR and low ps/bs than when I used my mediocre MCAT with mediocre (slightly below average) VR/ps/bs.

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