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What to write in descriptions for awards & pubs?

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Hello all,


I'm trying to write my ABS and its proving to be more difficult than I originally anticipated.


I was wondering what we should write in the description box for awards and pubs/conferences? Do they expect us to include the reference for a publication/conference?


I really appreciate the insight.


Thanks in advance.

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I'm not sure if it's changed, but last year the Awards section was pretty straightforward - there was one box where they wanted us to write the qualifications for the award, and another where they wanted to know the competition involved (e.g. just something simple like "3000 people applied, 100 got the award"). If they don't have that same setup this year, that's probably still a good outline to follow.


For research, again it was pretty straightforward - they had separate boxes to enter the title of the project, the type of publication, and your role in the research. For published papers I tried to squeeze a sort of mini-reference into "type of publication" section if I could fit it (personally I just included the name of the journal and the issue).

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Thank you both!


For research, however, I suppose I'm confused because there is a 48 c "Description," then a "Title", then "Type of Publication" and then "My Role"


I've been including the title of the paper under "Title" and what I did under "My Role." I'm not really sure what the difference is between "Description" and "Type of Publication"


I hope that makes sense.


Thanks in advance for all your help!



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Thank you both!


For research, however, I suppose I'm confused because there is a 48 c "Description," then a "Title", then "Type of Publication" and then "My Role"


I've been including the title of the paper under "Title" and what I did under "My Role." I'm not really sure what the difference is between "Description" and "Type of Publication"


I hope that makes sense.


Thanks in advance for all your help!




I think type of publication refers to case study, systematic review, RCT, etc. Under description, you can elaborate on the study (a bit more information that you probably can't get from the title of the publication). Under 'My Role' you could say things like patient recruitment, data extraction, data analysis, etc.

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