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Official volunteer in May but started July, list?

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Hey everyone,


I have a volunteer activity that I would really like to list but I'm not sure if I should or not (it would be somewhat bending their guidelines). I officially became a volunteer for this position in early May but did not actually volunteer until July. Should I list it or would it look bad if I did? Any thoughts are appreciated, thanks!

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Hey everyone,


I have a volunteer activity that I would really like to list but I'm not sure if I should or not (it would be somewhat bending their guidelines). I officially became a volunteer for this position in early May but did not actually volunteer until July. Should I list it or would it look bad if I did? Any thoughts are appreciated, thanks!


They require you to put in the hours of actual volunteering so if you put 0 then it would seem odd no? If they call your volunteer coordinator and they say you didn't, might screw you up. Personally I rather not take any risks with medical school app.

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I feel your pain...


I had an activity that I really wanted to list. I was hired in May but the position didn't start until August 1st.


I didn't put it because of the hours requirement like the other's said but it still really hurt. I suppose the good news is that I can always put it next cycle! But I really don't want there to be a next cycle!

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That's a good point guys, didn't realize the hours would be 0, I was thinking of the hours I did in July but I would be able to list those! Guess I'll have to leave it out, but hopefully it won't matter! Good luck to everyone applying!

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