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Guest eager2bdoc

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Guest eager2bdoc

hi everyone


i m really scared after seeing my score for the 2nd TPR diagnostic.

In the first one, i got : 4P,4V,5B

in the second now, i got : 4P,3V,5B


i think sciences i'll improve 'cause i was really far and havent done practices for them..so that's okay.. But VERBAL seems to be the BIg issue...i want to do GOOD. but now i m SO SCARED that i m now de-improving ..hehe..not a good sign...

anyone of u has similar situation? any last year people, did u guys improve from the previous scores to like double digits or something?? i am sO scared now...

any suggetions would be greatly appreciated. thanks


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Guest Madz25

Hi there, my verbal score also dropped from my 1st diagonostic to my 2nd diagonostic test (it went from a 7 to a 6). By the last diagnostic test, I finally got a 10! Unfortunately, I ended up with a 9 on the 'real' MCAT. I probably could've gotten a 10 but I didn't pace myself properly since it was the REAL one! Hope this helps.



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Guest Draff

What scores are considered "good" for the second test? I know the optimal score is 10/10/10 but I didn't improve at all and I'm getting a little discouraged (after my 2nd diagnostic). And with my 3rd practice test only a few days away, I don't see how I can improve that much in a span of a week.

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Guest eager2bdoc

thanks guys for replying..it has comforted me a lot..also my verbal instructor told me that since we r learning all these new technioques about annotating, therefore our verbal scores should have dropped anyways...


apart from that, any of you who had double digits in verbal, how did u guys study for it, for me i have only done the homework passages . even for homework passages, i m not getting perfect in it :( any advise?


wat am i doing wrong? should i do verbal passages everyday? how useful are the examcrakers?




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I had your same problem last year when I wrote. Try the exam crackers verbal reason book for extra help. During the actual MCAT I had a similar problem as Madz25 with the pacing so I skipped one of the few science related passages near the end and just did the questions without reading the passage. I a few minutes left and quickly tried to compare my answers with the content of the passage.

Hope this helps

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Guest everyoneloveschem

I think when I wrote last year there was one whole section I wasn't getting, so I moved on, and at the end I frantically filled it in, half guessing and I still did well. Do not dwell on one bad passage and let it put you off for the rest. Do the ones you can do and come back to the others (that way you are maximizing your odds).

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Guest Doc2B

I can totally relate. I'm not taking any prep courses, but have been studying daily for almost 3 months and am at the point where I feel that I know absolutely nothing. I'm just waiting for that magic moment where everything clicks and suddenly makes sense. I"m sure it'll happen: just hang in there! :\

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Guest arjuna83

I've been following the EK 10-week study schedule and have been quite impressed with the way they've structured the study material. I only hope it's enough! so far, things are going well.


Btw I noticed that eBay has some awesome deals for MCAT tests. Some guys seem to have gotten hold of all the Kaplan, PR, and AAMC material and are selling it for dirt cheap!


Here's one of the listings:


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Guest Doc2B

I bought a copy of this CD about a month ago (same CD, but from a different person selling it). It really is a great prep, with almost too much material to sort through. I would highly recommend purchasing it for the practice tests. The review material is alright, but is very broad and doesn't necessarily focus on material that would be relevant for the MCAT. But again, very good overview.

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Guest wab8611
I've been following the EK 10-week study schedule and have been quite impressed with the way they've structured the study material. I only hope it's enough! so far, things are going well.


what is this EK 10 - week study schedule..?

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Guest arjuna83

It's a study regimen that mimics the Examkrackers MCAt course. They've concentrated the study material into 10 weeks, with 1 topic of each subject being completed per week. Practice tests are to be completed during weekends. Here's a copy of it found online:




So far, it's been delivering the goods.

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