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3/5 Rule at UofT

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On the admissions website it says: " Applicants are expected to have taken courses at a level corresponding with the year of their program. For example, a student who applies for admission while registered in the third year of undergraduate work should have at least three third-year or higher courses in his/her program. "


How strict is this rule? I've carefully planned out my undergraduate courses and this (3rd) year will be the only one where less than 3/5 credits are at my year of study (it will be 2.5/5 this year). Will this hurt me, disqualify me, or does it even matter?


Thank you.

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On the admissions website it says: " Applicants are expected to have taken courses at a level corresponding with the year of their program. For example, a student who applies for admission while registered in the third year of undergraduate work should have at least three third-year or higher courses in his/her program. "


How strict is this rule? I've carefully planned out my undergraduate courses and this (3rd) year will be the only one where less than 3/5 credits are at my year of study (it will be 2.5/5 this year). Will this hurt me, disqualify me, or does it even matter?


Thank you.


Here's the answer to your question: http://utmedadmissions.wordpress.com/2009/09/17/course-levels/


For UWO though, the 3/5 is a strict rule.

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