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NBDE exams timeline

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Can someone give me a quick timeline as to when part 1 and part 2 of the canadian NDEB exams are done during dental school? Is part 1 done during summer of 3rd yr or earlier/later? Also, when is part 2 done?


Finally, how much time should I set aside to study for part 1. Should I have studied for part 1 during 2nd year summer?

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Both are done in the same weekend in March of 4th year.


I studied for the combined test about 2-3 hours per day starting winter break of 4th year.


You have that much time in hand? I didn't even spend or have that much time on my fellowship exam. 6 weeks is more than enough, do old exams and tests.

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thanks for the reply, Ostracized and koft!

I was wondering how you guys prepared for the OSCE? Do you practice timing yourself in that manner and what type of study materials did you use?


Thanks a lot!


UofT did have a mock exam prior. The thing about the OSCE is that the questions are actually the same every year. Kind of. For example, the first question every year might be:


a) name this pathology

B) how is it treated

c) etc...


But the photo/radiographs attached are different (different pathology) every year so the answers will be different every year. The good news is that you know exactly what topics are going to be asked, so you better know them cold. The examples/photos/models/etc that they chose were mostly clear and fair.


I found that more than anything else the OSCE just comes out of your general knowledge from four years of school. You have to be able to identify something by looking at it rather than by reading about it.

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The OSCE is just general knowledge, not a trivial pursuits. It has been awhile since I did it, so can't really offer much, just remember the station number where you start and the corresponding answer slot on the sheet.


UofT did have a mock exam prior. The thing about the OSCE is that the questions are actually the same every year. Kind of. For example, the first question every year might be:


a) name this pathology

B) how is it treated

c) etc...


But the photo/radiographs attached are different (different pathology) every year so the answers will be different every year. The good news is that you know exactly what topics are going to be asked, so you better know them cold. The examples/photos/models/etc that they chose were mostly clear and fair.


I found that more than anything else the OSCE just comes out of your general knowledge from four years of school. You have to be able to identify something by looking at it rather than by reading about it.

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You cannot take the NDEB any sooner than 3 months of your anticipated graduation date from dental school. Meaning, the earliest generally is March of your 4th year. You can also take it in May of your 4th year), or any writing session for up to 5 years after you graduate. It is your choice.


I agree, about 1-2 months is more than enough of studying. According to the stats, you are more likely to fail the written than the OSCE, so I would focus on the written.


My advice for the OSCE is to look at released OSCE Question Bank, and think of what types of models/pictures they would show you. Understand the question stem and what all the possible answer choices mean. Be smart about the choices you chose for the OSCE (because a wrong answer is negative marks).


Also, wear loupes to the OSCE, and be super cool like me :) . It sort of helped with the bitewing radiographs where you had to look for carious lesions.

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