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How do you calculate your "semester hours"?


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Hey guys, I'm trying to calculate how many semester hours I have accumulated over the 3 years at Ryerson so far but I don't know how to or if I am doing it right. My department advised that I contact each individual American school to find this out because they all run differently....?


From my research, each course that meets for 3 hours a week is 3 semester hours. If its a science course with a lab component, it is more than 3 semester hours but I don't know how much.


Is this correct? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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If it has a lab then it would be 4 hours


Okay so all my science courses had lab components so they are 4 hours each, what about electives/liberals that also met for 3 hours each week? Are they going to be worth 3 semester hours as well?


And summer courses count too right?

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Actually the only thing that matters is what it says on your transcripts. If it doesn't say what the course weight is when you check grades, order you own transcripts and see what it says. Even if there is a lab, it will still only count for whatever it say on your transcript (usually 3 or 4). This applies to OMSAS, AMCAS, and probably any other school. Realize though, that if a US school asks for say, 8 hours for a science prerequisite, they'll know what's up if they see your course had a lab.

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