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Ubc Ochem Pre-req

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Hi everyone,


So for UBC, it seems that CHEM 205 (Physical Chemsitry) counts as an ochem pre-requisite... which is WEIRD. Anyways, Alberta needs 6 credits of OCHEM as well. Will they look at CHEM 205's course title and think that it doesnt count as OCHEM? Has anyone have this problem before?

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Hi everyone,


So for UBC, it seems that CHEM 205 (Physical Chemsitry) counts as an ochem pre-requisite... which is WEIRD. Anyways, Alberta needs 6 credits of OCHEM as well. Will they look at CHEM 205's course title and think that it doesnt count as OCHEM? Has anyone have this problem before?


Yes, I highly doubt it will be considered ochem by other schools.

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I asked them the exact same question. It turns out it would be fine :)




Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, a combination of CHEM 205, 233, and 235 from UBC would meet the Organic Chemistry requirement.






MD Admissions

Undergraduate Medical Education

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry

University of Alberta

1-002 Katz Group Centre for Pharmacy and Health Research

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E1

t: 780-492-6769/780-492-9524; fax: 780-492-9531

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